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William Butler Yeats

1865-1939 IE, Dublin
Spoken Word and Soundtrack

W. B. (William Butler) Yeats (13 June 1865 – 28 January 1939) was an Irish poet, dramatist, and one of the foremost figures of 20th century literature. A pillar of both the Irish and British literary establishments, in his later years Yeats served as an Irish Senator for two terms.

  • Spoken Word
  • Soundtrack
  • Classical
Popular Tracks   
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The lake Isle of Innisfree on Yeats - A Selection by Various Artists
The Fiddler of Dooney on William Butler Yeats Reads His Own Work by William Butler Yeats
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The Song of the Old Mother on 100 Great Poems - Classic Poets & Beatnik Freaks by Various Artists
The Song of the Old Mother on William Butler Yeats Reads His Own Work by William Butler Yeats
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Yeats: The Salley Gardens on Joycesongs by RTE Concert Orchestra
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Track list and 30sec audio provided by


Title Artist Year Type
The Great PoetsWilliam Butler Yeats : Jim Norton, Denys Hawthorne, Nicholas Boulton And Marcella Riordan2007Album
The Life And Works of W.B. YeatsJohn Kavanagh, William Butler Yeats2002Album
Yeats And AudenWilliam Butler Yeats And W. H. Auden1976Album
Poems By W.B. Yeats & Poems For Several VoicesWilliam Butler Yeats1973Album
Five One Act Plays: The Cat And The Moon; Purgatory; The Pot Of Broth; The Words Upon A Windowpane; The Only Jealousy Of EmerWilliam Butler Yeats - Siobhan McKenna, Cyril Cusack, Marie Kean, Patrick Magee, Howard Sackler1966Album
The English Poets From Chaucer To Yeats - William Butler YeatsWilliam Butler Yeats1966Album
Yeats Noh Plays Record 2William Butler Yeats1965Album
Yeats Noh Plays Record 1William Butler Yeats1965Album
The Poems Of William Butler YeatsWilliam Butler Yeats1959Album
Poems And MemoriesLennox Robinson Presents William Butler Yeats1959Album
Oedipus RexSophocles - Tyrone Guthrie, Douglas Campbell, The Stratford, Ontario, Shakespearian Festival Players - William Butler Yeats, Leonid Kipnis1957Album
The Countess CathleenWilliam Butler Yeats - Siobhan McKenna and John Neville1956Album
The Only Jealousy Of EmerLou Harrison And William Butler Yeats1951Album
Lennox Robinson Presents William Butler Yeats Plays And MemoriesWilliam Butler YeatsAlbum
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