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Album Cover
Willy Chirino

Album ES 2001 on Bat Discos label
Latin (Son, Salsa)

PortraitWilly Chirino voc, *1947 US
album by
Jossel Calveiro engineer
Lisette Lorenzo graphics, design
Alex Arias mixed by, engineer
Diego Robledo photography by, back cover photo
Willy Chirino producer, mixed by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1VeranoWilly Chirino
2I Wanna DanceWilly Chirino
3Trilogía del Hombre FrustradoWilly Chirino
4Trepando ParedesWilly Chirino
5El DueloWilly Chirino
6Las HormonasWilly Chirino
7Tú Eres MejorWilly Chirino
8El Tren Del OlvidoWilly Chirino
9Lespacito Y SuaveWilly Chirino
10Los Perros Que Me Lan MordidoWilly Chirino
11Niña No Juegues Con CandelaWilly Chirino
12Serenata BachataWilly Chirino
13Ya Me EnamoreWilly Chirino
14ManiculintanteoWilly Chirino
15Por El Amor De DiosWilly Chirino
16Corazon GitanoWilly Chirino
17Viva la LibertadWilly Chirino
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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