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Album Cover
Windham Hill Artists
Heal The Bay

Compil. US 1993 on Windham Hill Records label
Electronic (New Age)

Three-fold cardboard case. CD held in slot on third inside fold. Includes tri-fold booklet, in slot on second inside fold.

PortraitWindham Hill Artists ,
album by
PortraitMontreux , *1982 US
performer on track
PortraitØystein Sevåg key, *1957 NO
performer on track
PortraitAlex De Grassi acg, g, *1952 JP
performer on track
PortraitBilly Childs p, *1957 US
performer on track
PortraitMichael Manring b, *1960 US
performer on track
PortraitScott Cossu p, *1951 US
performer on track
PortraitAndy Narell st-d, *1954 US
performer on track
PortraitTurtle Island String Quartet , *1985 US
performer on track
PortraitLiz Story p, *1956 US
performer on track
PortraitWilliam Ackerman g, *1949 US
performer on track
PortraitNightnoise , 1984-1997 IE
performer on track
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
2Afrikan FlowerØystein Sevåg4:19
3The World's Getting LoudAlex De Grassi3:34
4The IslandBilly Childs5:45
5HopefulMichael Manring3:59
6IslandsScott Cossu3:48
7Out Of The BlueAndy Narell6:55
8Love For SaleTurtle Island String Quartet5:18
9How InsensitiveLiz Story3:30
10Santos And The Well-Traveled BearWilliam Ackerman3:09
11Toys Not TiesNightnoise (2)3:49
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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