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Album Cover
Windy City
Psychedelicious City

Album KR 2006 on Soulpart label
Hip-Hop/Rap and Reggae (Reggae, Dub)

"Love, Power And Unity" on the front cover is a slogan that's part of Windy City's logo. Distributed by T Entertainment.

PortraitWindy City , GB
album by
곰PD remix
DJ Soulscape remix
깐돌이 remix
Windy City remix
김은석 remix
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
11-2-3 RockSteady FunkWindy City4:45
2P.C.T. (Psychedelicious City Theme)Windy City4:45
3Nasty LoveWindy City4:55
4Meditation On Earth - 평택에 평화를, 대추리 솔부엉이 DubWindy City5:55
5Elniño Prodigo - Brazilian 백곰 MixWindy City5:37
6(Just Like A) Livin' It Up - Seoul Boogaloo MixWindy City4:14
7I Miss Ya So - I Don't Miss Ya (So Much) MixWindy City4:01
8Greeting - Love Deluxe Dub MixWindy City4:00
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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