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Album Cover
Die Grössten Hits

Compil. DE 2007 on Sony Music Entertainment label
Electronic and Pop (Synth-pop)

All Titel digitally remastered von MMSound Digital Mastering Studio GmbH

PortraitWir , 1970-1986 DE
arranged by, album by
PortraitDieter Lehmann , DE
arranged by, composed by
PortraitHorst Krüger b, voc, *1942 DE
arranged by
PortraitWolfgang Ziegler voc, ep, *1943 DE
arranged by, arranged by, arranged by, arranged by, composed by
PortraitBurkhard Lasch , *1940 DE
lyrics by
PortraitChristian Rau g, h, voc,
lyrics by
PortraitFred Gertz , DE
lyrics by
PortraitGisela Steineckert , *1931 DE
lyrics by
PortraitJens Gerlach , 1926-1990 DE
lyrics by
PortraitKlaus Kühne , DE
lyrics by
PortraitKurt Demmler voc, g, h, 1943-2009 DE
lyrics by
PortraitMichael Höft ,
lyrics by
PortraitWolfgang Brandenstein , *1929 DE
lyrics by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Ebbe Und FlutWir4:40
3Und Sie Dreht Sich DochWir4:48
4Superschlank IIWir4:11
5Blutiger SommerWir4:47
6Traum Vom FliegenWir6:28
7Lass Deine Engel LosWir3:55
8Oh, Diese Sehnsucht Am AbendWir4:49
9Laß Mir Meine TräumeWir3:27
10Da Schlug Die FlammeWir5:08
11Im Spiegel Deiner AugenWir3:07
13Marie LouiseWir5:50
15Blinde KuhWir2:20
16Geboren Um Zu LebenWir4:12
17Nach Dem KonzertWir4:27
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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