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Album Cover
Bleib Tapfer / Für'n Arsch

Compil. DE 1992 on Hulk Räckorz label
Alternative (Punk)

The first two Wizo LPs on one CD. Track 13 appears as "U2B ma girl" on back cover. This is the original version, complete with the uncensored version of track 19 ("Kein Gerede"). The text was banned in Germany because of "incitement" later. The Bleib Tapfer / Für'n Arsch repress features an instrumental "Karaoke-Version" of the song.

PortraitWizo , *1985 DE
album by
Timo Fröhlich artwork
Fratz A. Thum engineer, assistant
Paul engineer, assistant
Riikka engineer, assistant
Olly Koblenzer photography by
Wizo producer, recorded by, engineer, mixed by, mastered by
Achim Köhler recorded by, engineer, mixed by, mastered by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Bleib TapferWizo
2Bei DirWizo1:32
3Mein TodWizo3:24
4Nice DayWizo4:19
5Bleib TapferWizo3:32
6Es Ist VorbeiWizo4:36
9Alte FrauWizo3:35
10Nix & NiemantWizo2:51
12Alter BruderWizo2:02
13Für'n ArschWizo
14Diese WeltWizo2:59
15I Want You To Be Ma GirlWizo2:30
16Gute FreundeWizo4:02
17Good ByeWizo2:58
18Der KäferWizo0:31
19Kadett BWizo2:30
20K.I.K. IIIWizo2:16
21Kein GeredeWizo2:48
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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