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Album Cover
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Europa Symphony, Wolfgang Gröhs

Album GB 1996 on Arte Nova Classics label
Classical (Classical, Religious)

total 56:16

PortraitWolfgang Amadeus Mozart voc, 1756-1791 AT
album by
PortraitEuropa Symphony ,
orchestra, album by
PortraitWolfgang Gröhs ,
conductor, album by
PortraitGabriella Bessenyei voc,
alto vocals
PortraitJanusz Monarcha voc, b, PO
bass vocals
PortraitTransylvania State Philharmonic Choir, Cluj ,
Stefanie Kopinits
soprano vocals
PortraitGerhard Hörl ,
tenor vocals
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1IntroitusWolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Europa Symphony, Wolfgang Gröhs
2 Requiem Aeternam - KyrieWolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Europa Symphony, Wolfgang Gröhs
3 SequenzWolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Europa Symphony, Wolfgang Gröhs
4 Dies IraeWolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Europa Symphony, Wolfgang Gröhs
5 Tuba MirumWolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Europa Symphony, Wolfgang Gröhs
6 Rex Tremendae MajestatisWolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Europa Symphony, Wolfgang Gröhs
7 Recordare, Jesu PieWolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Europa Symphony, Wolfgang Gröhs
8 Confutatis MaledictisWolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Europa Symphony, Wolfgang Gröhs
9 Lacrimosa Dies IllaWolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Europa Symphony, Wolfgang Gröhs
10 OffertoriumWolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Europa Symphony, Wolfgang Gröhs
11 Domine JesuWolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Europa Symphony, Wolfgang Gröhs
12 HostiasWolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Europa Symphony, Wolfgang Gröhs
13 SanctusWolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Europa Symphony, Wolfgang Gröhs
14 SanctusWolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Europa Symphony, Wolfgang Gröhs
15 BenedictusWolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Europa Symphony, Wolfgang Gröhs
16 BenedictusWolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Europa Symphony, Wolfgang Gröhs
17 Agnus Dei- CommunioWolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Europa Symphony, Wolfgang Gröhs
18 Agnus Dei - Lux Aeterna Cum Sanctus TuisWolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Europa Symphony, Wolfgang Gröhs

30sec audio samples provided by

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