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Album Cover
Andy Gibb
Shadow Dancing

Album US 1978 on RSO label
Dance (Disco)

Nearly identical to this release which has a different label on the vinyl and does not have the numbers on the top right of the back cover.

PortraitAndy Gibb voc, bvoc, 1958-1988 AU
album by
PortraitTim Renwick voc, g, *1949 GB
acoustic guitar
PortraitAlbhy Galuten dr, *1947 US
arranged by, strings, conductor, producer, synthesizer
PortraitBarry Gibb voc, g, *1946 AU
arranged by, strings, backing vocals, executive-producer, producer
PortraitHarold Cowart b,
PortraitRon Ziegler dr, perc,
PortraitJoey Murcia voc,
PortraitBill Purse key, tr,
PortraitKen Faulk tr,
PortraitNeal Bonsanti sax,
PortraitPeter Graves tb,
PortraitStan Webb fl, 1936-1998 US
PortraitWhit Sidener sax,
PortraitGeorge Bitzer key, voc, syn, *1953 US
PortraitJoe Lala perc, voc, cng, tim, 1947-2014 US
PortraitJock Bartley acg, US
PortraitJohn Sambataro bvoc, *1953 US
PortraitBlue Weaver syn, key, *1947 GB
arranged by, strings
PortraitPaul Harris p, org, US
PortraitDon Felder g, voc, s-g, *1947 US
Glenn Ross art direction
John Sambataro backing vocals
Tim Bryant design
David Gertz engineer
Karl Richardson engineer, producer
Gary Heery photography by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Shadow DancingAndy Gibb4:34
2WhyAndy Gibb4:31
3Fool For A NightAndy Gibb3:20
4An Everlasting LoveAndy Gibb4:06
5(Our Love) Don't Throw It All AwayAndy Gibb4:07
6One More Look At The NightAndy Gibb3:45
7MelodyAndy Gibb4:00
8I Go For YouAndy Gibb4:19
9Good FeelingAndy Gibb3:46
10Waiting For YouAndy Gibb4:13
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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Andy Gibb - Shadow Dancing DE 1978 R&B/Soul
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