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Album Cover
Anthony Hamilton
Back To Love

Album US 2011 on RCA label
R&B/Soul (Rhythm’n’Blues, Soul, Neo-Soul)

Tracks 13 to 16 are bonus tracks. Album mastered at Bernie Grundman Mastering, Los Angeles, CA ℗ & © 2011 RCA Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment. Distributed by Sony Music Entertainment.

PortraitAnthony Hamilton bvoc, voc, *1971 US
album by, written by
PortraitKenneth Edmonds voc, *1959 US
acoustic guitar, bass, electric guitar, backing vocals, instruments, all instruments except drums, bass, horns, instruments, all instruments except harmonica, trombone, trumpet, saxophones, organ, instruments, all instruments, written by
PortraitSalaam Remi key, US
arranged by, bass, written by
PortraitJairus Mozee g, US
backing vocals, instruments, all instruments, written by
PortraitKelvin Wooten org, b,
backing vocals, additional, bass, drums, guitar, piano, keyboards, drum programming, drum programming, bass, guitar, keyboards, recorded by, written by
Jacob Sanders
baritone saxophone
PortraitBryan Russell g, b,
Jocelyn Butler
PortraitKaveh Rastegar b, eb, *1975 US
PortraitRichie Pena dr, US
Troy Auxilly-Wilson
Dan Kramer
drum programming, programmed drums, drums, live drums
Christopher Ray
PortraitEli Menezes g, voc,
PortraitJeremy Most g,
PortraitRandy Bowland g,
PortraitIz Avila bvoc,
guitar, drums, percussion, written by
PortraitVincent Henry sax, g, *1953 US
guitar, saxophone, flute, clarinet, written by
PortraitKevin Wyatt voc, b, US
PortraitFrédéric Yonnet , FR
harmonica, additional
PortraitChris Gray tr, US
PortraitDonald Hayes sax, US
horns, tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone
PortraitRandy Ellis sax, US
PortraitRyan Porter tb, *1979 US
PortraitAntonio Dixon , US
instruments, all instruments except acoustic and electric guitars, bass, harmonica, trombone, trumpet, saxophones, organ, instruments, all instruments except drums, bass, electric guitars, horns, instruments, all instruments, written by
PortraitBrandon Coleman syn, key, US
instruments, all instruments except drums, bass, electric guitars, horns, organ, written by
PortraitThe Lion's Share ,
instruments, all instruments except guitar, instruments, all instruments except trumpet, saxophones, organ, rhodes, mixed by
PortraitJames Poyser key, ep, *1967 US
keyboards, organ, mixed by, written by
PortraitJesse Fischer p, US
organ, electric piano, rhodes
PortraitJohn F. Adams key, US
PortraitBobby Ross Avila voc, key, bvoc,
piano, sitar, bass, guitar, organ, hammond b3, organ, written by
PortraitNick Banns str,
recorded by, strings, arranged by, strings, written by
Randy Wanken
recorded by, keri hilson's vocals, assistant
PortraitKory Aaron ,
recorded by, keri hilson's vocals
PortraitJae Deal b, US
arranged by, strings, recorded by, strings
Olivier Castelli
Katty Rodriguez-Harrold
tenor saxophone, alto saxophone
Justin Kirk
PortraitBijon Watson tr, voc,
PortraitKeyon Harrold tr, voc, *1980 US
PortraitBruce Purse key, US
trumpet, flugelhorn
Nancy P.
viola, recorded by, additional recording
PortraitEdith Yokley vn,
PortraitNicole Garcia vn,
Orisha Pelzer
PortraitKeri Hilson voc, *1982 US
Anthony Hamilton backing vocals, executive-producer, recorded by
Ryan Toby backing vocals, additional
Terri Robinson backing vocals, additional
Andreao Heard recorded by, backing vocals, additional, producer
Larry Plummer coordinator, production coordinator
Kimrie Davis coordinator, project coordinator
Erwin Gorostiza creative director
Rebecca Meek design, graphic design
Bob Engel engineer, additional engineering, recorded by, assistant
Eli Davis executive-producer, management
Mark Pitts executive-producer
Adonis Sutherlin executive-producer, co-executive producer
Brian Gardner mastered by
Manny Marroquin mixed by
Chris Galland mixed by, assistant
Erik Madrid mixed by, assistant
Kwaku Alston photography by
Andre Harris recorded by, producer
Brandon Kilgour recorded by
Bruce Irvine recorded by
Chris Soper recorded by
Gleyder "Gee" Disla recorded by
Greg Morgenstein recorded by
Jesse Singer recorded by
Matt Marrin recorded by
Mike City recorded by, producer
Paul Boutin recorded by
Ryan Moys recorded by
Jensen Smith recorded by, assistant
Koby Hass mixed by, assistant, recorded by, assistant
Sean Tallman recorded by, mixed by
Serge Tsai recorded by, mixed by
Salaam Remi producer
Antonio Dixon producer
Babyface producer
Jairus Mozee producer
Akene Dunkley co-producer
Arden Altino co-producer
Jerry Duplessis producer
Avila Brothers producer
Kelvin Wooten producer
Michael Anzelowitz co-producer
James Poyser producer
The Lion's Share producer
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Back To LoveAnthony HamiltonAnthony Hamilton, Salaam Remi, Vincent Henry3:19
2Writing On The WallAnthony HamiltonAnthony Hamilton, Mike City3:28
3WooAnthony HamiltonAnthony Hamilton, Antonio Dixon, Brandon Coleman, Kenneth Edmonds, Patrick J. Que Smith3:16
4Pray For MeAnthony HamiltonAnthony Hamilton, Antonio Dixon, Kenneth Edmonds, Patrick J. Que Smith4:40
5Best Of MeAnthony HamiltonAnthony Hamilton, Jairus Mozee3:47
6Never Let GoAnthony HamiltonAbeer Shofani, Akene Dunkley, Anthony Hamilton, Arden Altino, Crystal Johnson, Jerry Duplessis3:41
7MadAnthony HamiltonAnthony Hamilton, Antonio Dixon, Kenneth Edmonds, Patrick J. Que Smith3:43
8I'll Wait (To Fall In Love)Anthony HamiltonAnthony Hamilton, Bobby Ross Avila, Iz Avila4:15
9Sucka For YouAnthony HamiltonAnthony Hamilton, Kelvin Wooten4:19
10Baby GirlAnthony HamiltonAnthony Hamilton, Kelvin Wooten3:35
11Who's Loving YouAnthony HamiltonAndreao Heard, Anthony Hamilton, Michael Anzelowitz3:49
12Life Has A WayAnthony HamiltonAnthony Hamilton, James Poyser4:15
13Deluxe Edition TracksAnthony Hamilton
14Broken ManAnthony HamiltonAndre Harris, Anthony Hamilton, Ryan Toby4:52
15I'm ReadyAnthony HamiltonAnthony Hamilton, Chris Soper, Jesse Singer, Nick Banns3:56
16Fair In LoveAnthony HamiltonAnthony Hamilton, Chris Soper, Jesse Singer, Nick Banns5:32
17More Than EnoughAnthony HamiltonAnthony Hamilton, Kelvin Wooten4:10

30sec audio samples provided by

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