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Album Cover
Cāntitsi Shi Isturii / Songs And Stories

Album RO 2006 on Muzeul Țăranului Român label
Spoken Word, Folk, World and (Spoken Word, Folk)

Recorded July 2003 (track 9, 14, 15, 29 and 30) and May 2005 (all other tracks) in Andon Poçi, Albania ℗ 2006 Fundația Al. Tzigara-Samurcaș Cardboard sleeve with 140-page booklet

PortraitAromanians , RO
album by
PortraitSperanța Rădulescu ,
compilation producer, compiled by, edited by, producer, liner notes, liner notes, romanian translation
PortraitFlorin Iordan cb,
compiled by, edited by, producer
Maria Bara
compiled by, liner notes, notations in aromanian
Thede Kahl
compiled by, liner notes, liner notes, greek translation, liner notes, notations in aromanian, liner notes, romanian translation, photography by, recorded by, digital recordings
Luan Topçiu
liner notes, albanian translation
Adrian Solomon
liner notes, english translation
Stefanos Boulasikis
liner notes, greek translation
PortraitJeras Basho ,
vocals, narrator, storyteller
PortraitAndon Hanxhara ,
PortraitDhionis Basho ,
PortraitKita Basho ,
PortraitVasil Basho ,
PortraitZisa Basho ,
PortraitHrista Shëngjergji ,
PortraitVangjel Shëngjergji ,
PortraitEvdhoksia Zharkalli ,
vocals, voice, scanner, narrator, storyteller
PortraitLefta Zharkalli ,
PortraitVangja Zharkalli ,
vocals, voice, scanner, narrator, storyteller
PortraitVarvara Shetuni ,
narrator, storyteller
PortraitDhimo Zharkalli ,
narrator, storyteller
Alexandru Ionescu design, layout
Dan Ichimescu design, layout
Mihai Sfera design, layout
Steliana Mocanu edited by, producer
Cristian Tarnovețchi mastered by
Fundația Alexandru Tzigara-Samurcaș producer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Cāntits Lirits / Lyric SongsAromanians
2Pui Di-atsia-ndzeanā (Cu Unā Boatsi) / (Monodic Version)Aromanians3:11
3Pui Di-atsia-ndzeanā (Cu Ma Multi Botsi) / Bird In The Sky (Polyphonic Version)Aromanians3:26
4Nichisi Dada Cu Oili / My Mother's Gone With The SheepAromanians4:10
5Ni Fiatϵ Dit Feti / For A Beautiful GirlAromanians3:02
6S-ara Faptā Dzuϵ Laiϵ / One Beautiful DayAromanians3:55
7Ficior Tsi Hii Mushat / You Handsome LadAromanians3:06
8La Tselj Munts Analts Cu Neau / For The High Snow-Clad MountainsAromanians2:49
9Nu Me-alasā Dada / My Mother Won't Give Me AwayAromanians2:45
10Picurare Di La Oi / ShepherdAromanians2:30
11Naparte Di-amari / Across The SeaAromanians4:21
12Trec Ni Dzuϵ Tu Livadi / One Day I Was Walking Through The GladeAromanians2:57
13Ç'u Ngrita Që Natën (Orighinal Arbinisheashti) / I Woke Up At Night (Sung In Albanian)Aromanians3:57
14Si-agiócā Fiata Cu Meru / The Girl's Playing With The AppleAromanians2:29
15Cϵn Ti Scoli Dimnjatsa / As Soon As You Get Up In The MorningAromanians1:56
16Unā Siarā Dir Yenaru / On A January NightAromanians3:28
17Tārcui Pi La Vali Shi Ara Dzuā Lunā / I Went Down The Valley And One DayAromanians1:44
18Americϵ Laie / Poor AmericaAromanians1:36
19Cāntits Rituali Di Numtā / Ritual Wedding SongsAromanians
20La Funtϵna Dit Alun / By The Fountain Among Hazelnut TreesAromanians1:34
21Cāndu Chiaptinā Gambrolu: Chiptenats-lu Mushat / Comb Him NicelyAromanians2:03
22Cāndu S-duc S-lja Nveasta: Tsi-u Ai Atsa Fustani / Why Is Your Dress Hanging Down To The GroundAromanians2:03
23Adets / Ritual ScanningAromanians
24CānticluTsi S-cānta Ta S-da Ploaii: Pirpiruni / Ritual For Conjuring Up Rain: Pirpiruni (Rainmakers)Aromanians0:12
25Adeti Di Cārciun: Colindi Malindi / Christmas Ritual: Colindi Malindi (Carol, Little Carol)Aromanians0:22
26Pārmithuseri / StoriesAromanians
27Ti Unā Adeti Ti Anlu Nou / Story About A New Year's CustomAromanians0:47
28Luchi Si Ursi / Wolves And BearsAromanians3:44
29Gindili Shi Mortsālj / The Pixies And The LeadAromanians1:14
30Casa U Aveam Di Lemi / The House Was Made Of WoodAromanians0:57
31Era Un Avut / Once Upon A Time There Lived A Rich ManAromanians2:08
32Lϵndϵrusha / The SwallowAromanians1:43
33Isturii Dit Chirolu Comunistu: Cum Nā Luarā Oili / Story From The Communist Time: How They Took Our SheepAromanians1:34
34Puilu Iorgho / The Iorgho BirdAromanians0:36
35Cϵn Eram Tu Munti / When I Was In The MountainsAromanians0:30
36Nastradin / NastratinAromanians2:17
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