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Album Cover
Björk Guðmundsdóttir

Album IS 1977 on Fálkinn label
Pop, Folk, World and (Vocal, Nordic)

Recorded between August to September 1977 at Studio Hljóðriti, Hafnarfjörður. Total length: 29:35 About 6000 copies were manufactured. Track A2: the cover of 'Your Kiss Is Sweet' originally performed by Syreeta. The writer credit is given as "Erlent" on release ("Foreign song" in Icelandic). Tracks A4 and B4 are instrumentals. Track B3: the cover of 'The Fool On The Hill' by The Beatles. Track B5: the cover of 'Christopher Robin' by Melanie (2). ▲ This is the ORIGINAL 1977 RELEASE: it doesn't have "Limited Edition of 1000 Copies" writing on the back like the black vinyl reissue from 90s or red, green, white & blue colour vinyl bootleg copies that were made later in 2006. Original cover is significantly sharper and brighter than copies, but that doesn't mean the copies are bad - they are Ok. There are also numerous CD bootlegs available, but the only other format original version is on cassette.

PortraitBjörk Guðmundsdóttir voc, h,
album by, composed by, flute, flute, Þverflauta, blokkflauta, sopranino saxophone
PortraitBjörgvin Gíslason g,
acoustic guitar, kassagítar, guitar, handclaps, klapp, piano, synthesizer, synthesizer, sitar, composed by
PortraitPálmi Gunnarsson b, voc, *1950
bass, handclaps, klapp, lyrics by, texti, maracas, organ, voice, rödd, xylophone
PortraitReynir Sigurðsson b,
PortraitSigurður Karlsson dr, perc, IS
bells, drums, handclaps, klapp, tambourine, performer, canger, performer, hrossabrestur, bongos, performer, horssabr., kinnasláttur
PortraitSævar Árnasson g, IS
guitar, composed by
PortraitBjörk key, voc, *1965 IS
handclaps, klapp
Björgvin Hólm
lyrics by, texti, composed by
Kolbrún Jónsdóttir
lyrics by, texti
PortraitPétur Hjaltested key, org, IS
PortraitGuðmundur Ingólfsson p, IS
piano, harmonica
PortraitKristján Guðmundsson , IS
PortraitSigurður Helgi Pálmason , IS
PortraitJóhann Eiríksson voc, *1951
voice, rödd
PortraitStevie Wonder syn, *1950 US
composed by, uncredited
PortraitÞorleifur Gíslason ,
PortraitOstakór ,
other, Þrjár litlar mýs
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1ArabadrengurinnBjörk GuðmundsdóttirSævar Árnasson5:00
2BúkollaBjörk GuðmundsdóttirStevie Wonder3:16
3Alta MiraBjörk GuðmundsdóttirEdgar Winter2:30
4Jóhannes KjarvalBjörk GuðmundsdóttirBjörk Guðmundsdóttir2:15
5Fúsi HreindýrBjörk GuðmundsdóttirBjörgvin Gíslason3:27
6HimnaförBjörk GuðmundsdóttirBjörgvin Hólm2:32
7ÓliverBjörk GuðmundsdóttirJóhann Helgason2:47
8Álfur Út Úr HólBjörk GuðmundsdóttirLennon-McCartney3:04
9MúsastiginnBjörk Guðmundsdóttir2:44
10BæninBjörk GuðmundsdóttirMelanie2:00
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