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Album Cover
Charlotte Gainsbourg
Stage Whisper

Album FR 2011 on Because Music label
Rock and Pop (Chanson, Indie Rock)

Extraits de l'album de Charlotte Gainsbourg "Stage Whisper (Live & Inédits)" disponible dès le 7 novembre 2011. Live songs recorded during the Charlotte Gainsbourg european tour from June 14th to July 18th 2010. Cardboard Sleeve. Sold with 'Courrier International' #1086

PortraitCharlotte Gainsbourg voc, perc, key, *1971 FR
album by, written by
Alex Dromgoole engineer
Drew Brown engineer
Darrell Thorp engineer, mixed by
Benjamin Joubert mastered by
Brian Lebarton producer
Shaun Sebastian recorded by
Cassidy Turbin engineer
Cole M.G.N. engineer
Dean Nelson engineer
Beck Hansen producer
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Live (Video)Charlotte Gainsbourg29:17
2IRMCharlotte GainsbourgBeck Hansen
3Trick PonyCharlotte GainsbourgBeck Hansen
4L'Hôtel ParticulierCharlotte GainsbourgSerge Gainsbourg
5The OperationCharlotte GainsbourgJarvis Cocker, Jean-Benoît Dunckel, Nicolas Godin
6In The EndCharlotte GainsbourgBeck Hansen
7Heaven Can WaitCharlotte GainsbourgBeck Hansen
8Greenwich Mean TimeCharlotte GainsbourgBeck, Charlotte Gainsbourg
9The Songs That We SingCharlotte GainsbourgJarvis Cocker, Jean-Benoît Dunckel, Neil Hannon, Nicolas Godin
10Couleur CaféCharlotte GainsbourgSerge Gainsbourg
11Inédit (Audio)Charlotte Gainsbourg
12White TelephoneCharlotte Gainsbourg3:25

30sec audio samples provided by

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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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Charlotte Gainsbourg - Stage Whisper FR 2011 Rock and Pop
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