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Album Cover
Deller Consort
Jannequin; Songs Of Birds, Battles And Love And The Flowering Of The French Chanson

Album US on Vanguard Everyman Classics label

Consort Group I: Honor Sheppard and Sally Le Sage, sopranos; Max Worthley and Philip Todd, tenors; Alfred Deller, countertenor; Maurice Bevan, baritone. Consort Group II: Eileen Poulter and Mary Thomas, sopranos; Wilfred Brown and Gerald English, tenors; Alfred Deller, countertenor; Maurice Bevan, baritone; Geoffrey Coleby, bass Consort Group III: Honor Sheppard and Mary Thomas, sopranos; Max Worthley and Robert Tear, tenors; Alfred Deller, countertenor; Maurice Bevan, baritone.

PortraitDeller Consort , 1948-1986 GB
album by
PortraitHenri Matisse , 1869-1954 FR
artwork, 'the joy of life'
PortraitAlfred Deller voc, 1912-1979 GB
PortraitMary Thomas voc, 1932-1997 GB
PortraitRobert Tear voc, 1939-2011 GB
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Le Chant Des Oiseaux (Song Of The Birds) - Consort Group IDeller ConsortClément Janequin5:38
2Parfons Regretz (No More Regrets) - Consort Group IDeller ConsortJosquin Des Prés3:06
3Ce Moys De May (This Month Of May) - Consort Group IIDeller ConsortClément Janequin0:45
4Le Bataille De Marignan, Or La Guerre (The Battle Of Marignan, Or The War) - Consort Group IIDeller ConsortClément Janequin5:44
5Le Chant De L'Alouette (Song Of The Lark) - Consort Group IDeller ConsortClément Janequin2:50
6Mon Coeur Se Recommande À Vous (My Heart Reveals Itself To You) - Consort Group IIDeller ConsortRoland de Lassus2:11
7Au Joly Boys (In The Pretty Grove) - Consort Group IIDeller ConsortClément Janequin1:48
8Il Est Bel Et Bon (He Is Fair And Good) - Consort Group IIIDeller ConsortPierre Passereau1:16
9Mignonne, Allons Voir Si La Rose (Beloved, Let Us See If The Rose) - Consort Group IIIDeller ConsortGuillaume Costeley1:59
10Comment Qu'a Moy (No Matter How Far You Are From Me)Deller ConsortGuillaume de Machaut1:45
11Or Sus Dormez Trop (Now You Sleep Too Long)Deller ConsortAnonymous0:18
12La Deploration De Jeghan Okeghem (Lament For Johannes Okeghem) - Consort Group IDeller ConsortJosquin Des Prés5:10
13Alarme, Alarme (Help, Help)Deller ConsortGrimace1:55
14La Nuit Froide Et Sombre (The Night, Cold And Gloomy) - Consort Group IDeller ConsortRoland de Lassus3:11
15Allons Gay, Bergères (Come, Gay Shepards) - Consort Group IIIDeller ConsortGuillaume Costeley1:33
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