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Album Cover

Album FI 2004 on Warner Music Finland label
Rock and Pop (Pop Rock, Power Pop, New Wave)

Manufactured in the E.U. A 20th anniversary compilation DVD with historical clips of concerts, tv performances, news reports and interviews of the group's three-year top success, which the audience know by the name of "Dingomania".

PortraitDingo , 1982-1986 FI
album by
Olli Viljakainen
animation, graphics
Markus Castrén
mastered by, cd-authoring
Timo Lindström compilation producer
Hannu Merivirta directed by
Heikki Harma directed by
LemonWorks layout
Tommi Liuhala production manager, production director
Jorma Koski directed by
Pii Berg directed by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
2Kaivorock -84Dingo
3Sinä Ja MinäDingo
4Jokainen AamuDingo
6Tavastia Klubi -85Dingo
7Nimeni On DingoDingo
9Hän On SeDingo
10Lakatut VarpaankynnetDingo
11Levoton TuhkimoDingo
12Aino AutiotaloDingo
14Porin Puuvillatehdas -85Dingo
15Kerjäläisten ValtakuntaDingo
16Valomerkki KirjoitanDingo
17Kulkuri Ja KaunotarDingo
18Kunnian KentätDingo
19Nahkatakkinen TyttöDingo
20Rio Ohoi!Dingo
22Ota Paha PoisDingo
24Kunnian Kentät Kamoon - Kielet Poikki @ YLE TV 1Dingo
25Sata Rohkeaa Laivaa Paljonko On Paljon @ YLE TV 2Dingo
26Penny Lane @ Pål Presli ShowDingo
28Dingo Ja Fanit A-Raportti: DingomaniaDingo
29Dingo Ja Haastattelut Tavastia Klubi, Porin PuuvillatehdasDingo
30Dingo Ja Levottomat TuhkimotDingo
31Dingo Ja Lontoo Dingo Ja Levottomat TuhkimotDingo
32Dingo Ja UutisetDingo
External Links
Discogs Logo Discogs  iTunes Logo iTunes

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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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Dingo - Dingomania FI 2004 Rock and Pop
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