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Album Cover
Doctor Who
Trail Of The White Worm

Album UK 2012 on Big Finish label
Spoken Word and Soundtrack (Radioplay)

Tracks 1 to 13 is the audioplay itself. Track 14 is a trailer for . Track 15 to 18 are CD Extras.

PortraitDoctor Who , GB
album by
PortraitAlison Taylor ,
administrator, big finish productions
Catrin Hubbarde
administrator, big finish productions
Miles Haigh-Ellery
administrator, big finish productions
PortraitDelia Derbyshire , 1937-2001 GB
arranged by, dr. who theme
PortraitRon Grainer voc, 1922-1981 AU
composed by, dr. who theme
Martin Montague
edited by, cd extras
PortraitNicholas Briggs ,
editor, script, executive-producer
David Richardson
interviewer, cd extras, liner notes, producer
PortraitDavid Darlington , GB
remastered by, dr. who theme
PortraitAndy Hardwick ,
sound designer, music by, mastered by
John Banks
, mercenary
PortraitMichael Cochrane ,
voice actor, colonel hugh spindleton
Mark Field
voice actor, john
Becci Gemmell
voice actor, julie
PortraitLouise Jameson ,
voice actor, leela
Rachael Stirling
voice actor, mrs demesne furze
PortraitTom Baker , *1934 GB
voice actor, the doctor
PortraitGeoffrey Beevers ,
voice actor, the master
Alex Mallinson design, booklet
Ken Bentley directed by, liner notes
Dale Nash engineer, assistant
Jason Haigh-Ellery executive-producer
Frances Welsh other, producers' assistant
Paul Spragg other, producers' assistant
Paul Midcalf recorded by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Part OneDoctor Who
2UntitledDoctor Who0:27
3UntitledDoctor Who6:35
4UntitledDoctor Who4:59
5UntitledDoctor Who4:28
6UntitledDoctor Who4:26
7UntitledDoctor Who5:23
8UntitledDoctor Who0:13
9Part TwoDoctor Who
10UntitledDoctor Who0:26
11UntitledDoctor Who5:53
12UntitledDoctor Who5:19
13UntitledDoctor Who6:41
14UntitledDoctor Who7:40
15UntitledDoctor Who0:43
16UntitledDoctor Who0:55
17UntitledDoctor Who4:11
18UntitledDoctor Who2:52
19UntitledDoctor Who4:39
20UntitledDoctor Who4:30
External Links
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