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Album Cover
Elvis Presley
The Legend

Compil. UK 2005 on The Sun label
Rock and Pop (Rock’n’Roll)

Free with copies of The Sun newspaper. Tracks 1 to 4 original Sun Recordings. Tracks 5 to 10 recorded Live at the Louisiana Hayride. Carl Perkins and Arthur Gunter are incorrectly credited as "Gunter" and "Berry", respectively, on tracks 8 and 9. There is approximately 10 minutes of silence at the end of track 10. Tracks 11 to 15 are bonus tracks by modern artists in the same style as the first 10 tracks. Made in the EU. This compilation: ℗ 2005 News Group Newspapers Ltd. © 2005 News Group Newspapers Ltd.

PortraitElvis Presley g, voc, 1935-1977 US
album by, written by
PortraitCarl Perkins g, voc, 1932-1998 US
written by, incorrectly credited as gunter
PortraitArthur Gunter , 1926-1976 US
written by, incorrectly credited as berry
PortraitCraig Morris voc, US
performer on track
PortraitThe Fab ,
performer on track
PortraitFrankie & The Bellbottoms ,
performer on track
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1That's All RightElvis PresleyArthur "Big Boy" Crudup1:56
2I Don't Care If The Sun Don't ShineElvis PresleyMack David2:29
3Good Rockin' TonightElvis PresleyRoy Brown2:13
4Blue Moon Of KentuckyElvis PresleyBill Monroe2:03
5Heartbreak HotelElvis PresleyElvis Presley, Mae Boren Axton, Tommy Durden2:10
6I Was The OneElvis PresleyAaron Schroeder, Bill Peppers, Claude DeMetrius2:38
7I Got A WomanElvis PresleyRay Charles3:06
8Blue Suede ShoesElvis PresleyCarl Perkins2:50
9Baby Let's Play HouseElvis PresleyArthur Gunter2:14
10MaybellineElvis PresleyChuck Berry1:57
11Petting ZooCraig Morris (4)4:21
12Horn Rims Wing TipsCraig Morris (4)4:02
13Suite PotatoesCraig Morris (4)3:09
14Little Darlin'The Fab (2)2:40
15TremorsFrankie & The Bellbottoms2:59
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
Other Search Results
Elvis Presley - The Legend UK 1983 Rock
Elvis Presley - The Legend DE 1983 Rock, Blues, Pop and Soundtrack
Elvis Presley - The Legend IE 2009 Pop
Elvis Presley - The Legend US 1987 Rock
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