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Album Cover
Eric Clapton And His Band With Van Morrison
Hello Old Friend, Van

Album JP on Beano label
Rock and Blues (Blues Rock)

Live 1976-08-06 Manchester

PortraitEric Clapton And His Band ,
album by
PortraitVan Morrison voc, *1945 GB
album by, featuring
PortraitYvonne Elliman voc, *1951 US
backing vocals, guitar
PortraitCarl Radle b, perc, 1942-1980 US
bass guitar
PortraitJamie Oldaker dr, perc, *1951 US
PortraitGeorge Terry voc, *1950 US
PortraitEric Clapton g, voc, *1945 GB
guitar, vocals
PortraitDick Sims key, 1951-2011 US
PortraitSergio Pastora Rodriguez perc,
Marcy Levy backing vocals
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1OpeningEric Clapton And His Band With Van Morrison
2Hello Old FriendEric Clapton And His Band With Van Morrison
3All Our Past TimesEric Clapton And His Band With Van Morrison
4I Shot The SheriffEric Clapton And His Band With Van Morrison
5Nobody Knows You When You're Down And OutEric Clapton And His Band With Van Morrison
6Can't Find My Way HomeEric Clapton And His Band With Van Morrison
7Tell The TruthEric Clapton And His Band With Van Morrison
8Help MeEric Clapton And His Band With Van Morrison
9Into The MysticEric Clapton And His Band With Van Morrison
10Kansas CityEric Clapton And His Band With Van Morrison
11Innocent TimesEric Clapton And His Band With Van Morrison
12Stormy MondayEric Clapton And His Band With Van Morrison
13LaylaEric Clapton And His Band With Van Morrison
14Key To The HighwayEric Clapton And His Band With Van Morrison
15Member IntroductionEric Clapton And His Band With Van Morrison
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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