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Album Cover
György Ligeti / Per Nørgård - Christina Åstrand, DR RadioSymfoniOrkestret, Thomas Dausgaard
Violin Concerto / Helle Nacht / Sonata 'The Secret Melody'

Album UK 2000 on Chandos label
Classical (Contemporary)

Recording venue: Danish Radio Concert Hall; 19-21 May 1999 (Ligeti Violin Concerto); 5-6 March 1999 (Helle Nacht); 22 May 1999 (Sonata 'The Secret Melody')

PortraitGyörgy Ligeti , 1923-2006 HU
album by, composed by
PortraitPer Nørgård voc, key, p, syn, *1932 DK
album by, composed by
PortraitChristina Åstrand vn,
album by, violin
PortraitDR RadioSymfoniOrkestret , GB
album by, orchestra
PortraitThomas Dausgaard , *1963 DK
album by, conductor
PortraitPer Erik Veng ,
creative director, artistic director, dnrso & chorus
Jørn Jacobsen engineer
Brian Couzens executive-producer
Claus Due producer, recording producer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Violin ConcertoGyörgy LigetiGyörgy Ligeti29:29
2I. PraeludiumGyörgy Ligeti / Per Nørgård - Christina Åstrand, DR RadioSymfoniOrkestret, Thomas Dausgaard4:13
3II. Aria, Hoquetus, ChoraleGyörgy Ligeti / Per Nørgård - Christina Åstrand, DR RadioSymfoniOrkestret, Thomas Dausgaard7:55
4III. IntermezzoGyörgy Ligeti / Per Nørgård - Christina Åstrand, DR RadioSymfoniOrkestret, Thomas Dausgaard2:31
5IV. PassacagliaGyörgy Ligeti / Per Nørgård - Christina Åstrand, DR RadioSymfoniOrkestret, Thomas Dausgaard7:06
6V. AppassionatoGyörgy Ligeti / Per Nørgård - Christina Åstrand, DR RadioSymfoniOrkestret, Thomas Dausgaard7:39
7Helle Nacht: Violin ConcertoPer NørgårdPer Nørgård23:46
8I. Allegro ModeratoGyörgy Ligeti / Per Nørgård - Christina Åstrand, DR RadioSymfoniOrkestret, Thomas Dausgaard7:07
9II. AdagioGyörgy Ligeti / Per Nørgård - Christina Åstrand, DR RadioSymfoniOrkestret, Thomas Dausgaard4:30
10III. Allegretto LeggeroGyörgy Ligeti / Per Nørgård - Christina Åstrand, DR RadioSymfoniOrkestret, Thomas Dausgaard5:21
11IV. Poco AllegroGyörgy Ligeti / Per Nørgård - Christina Åstrand, DR RadioSymfoniOrkestret, Thomas Dausgaard6:42
12Sonata 'The Secret Melody'Per NørgårdPer Nørgård14:06
13I. PrologueGyörgy Ligeti / Per Nørgård - Christina Åstrand, DR RadioSymfoniOrkestret, Thomas Dausgaard1:30
14II. RoamingGyörgy Ligeti / Per Nørgård - Christina Åstrand, DR RadioSymfoniOrkestret, Thomas Dausgaard3:03
15III. SingingGyörgy Ligeti / Per Nørgård - Christina Åstrand, DR RadioSymfoniOrkestret, Thomas Dausgaard3:08
16IV. PlayingGyörgy Ligeti / Per Nørgård - Christina Åstrand, DR RadioSymfoniOrkestret, Thomas Dausgaard4:23
17V. EpilogueGyörgy Ligeti / Per Nørgård - Christina Åstrand, DR RadioSymfoniOrkestret, Thomas Dausgaard1:57
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