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Album Cover
Isaac Hayes
Love Attack

Album US 1988 on Columbia label
R&B/Soul (Rhythm’n’Blues, Soul)

Produced for Iaac Hayes Productions, Inc. Recorded at Master Sound Studios Inc. Atlanta Mastered at Masterfonics, Nashville, TN using JVC Digital Audio Mastering System, JVC Digital and CD prep ℗ & © 1988, CBS, Inc. Printed in U.S.A.

PortraitIsaac Hayes , 1942-2008 US
arranged by, keyboards, programmed by, computer, producer, synthesizer, written by, album by, written by, synthesizer, written by, synthesizer, backing vocals, synthesizer, piano, acoustic
PortraitGerald Jackson voc, US
drum programming, drum machine programming, synthesizer
PortraitRonnie Garrett eb, b,
bass guitar
PortraitBill Mueller g,
PortraitBrenda Jones voc, 1954-2017 US
PortraitYasmin Jones ,
Brenda Jones backing vocals
Myra Walker backing vocals
Allen Weinberg design, cover
Benny Quinn edited by
Glenn Meadows edited by, mastered by
Milan Bogdan edited by
Brett Richardson engineer, assistant
Jeff Tomei engineer, assistant
Cecil Holmes executive-producer
Ron Moseley management
William Coupon photography by, cover
Ron Christopher recorded by, mixed by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Love AttackIsaac HayesIsaac Hayes5:34
2Let Me Be Your EverythingIsaac HayesIsaac Hayes6:40
3ShowdownIsaac HayesIsaac Hayes6:22
4Eye Of The StormIsaac HayesIsaac Hayes4:24
5Accused RapIsaac HayesIsaac Hayes4:44
6I Stand Accused '88Isaac HayesBilly Butler, Jerry Butler5:38
7She's Got The WayIsaac HayesBilly Joel4:28
8Foreplay RapIsaac HayesIsaac Hayes1:57
9Love Won't Let Me WaitIsaac HayesBobby Eli, Vinnie Barrett5:41
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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