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Album Cover
Ithamara Koorax
Amor Sem Adeus - The Luiz Bonfá Songbook

Album 2002 on HUKS MUSIC label
Jazz (Bossa Nova, Fusion)

PortraitIthamara Koorax voc, *1965 BR
vocals, album by
PortraitRon Carter b, *1937 US
acoustic bass
PortraitSadao Watanabe as, fl, *1933 JP
alto saxophone
PortraitCarlos Bala dr, BR
PortraitIvan Conti dr, perc, *1946 BR
PortraitJamil Joanes b, eb, *1952 BR
electric bass
PortraitLarry Coryell g, *1943 US
electric guitar
PortraitLuiz Bonfá g, acg, 1922-2001 BR
PortraitEumir Deodato key, p, *1942 BR
PortraitPaulo Malaguti key, BR
PortraitTorcuato Mariano g, key, BR
PortraitMarcos Suzano perc, BR
PortraitArnaldo DeSouteiro perc, cwb, BR
percussion, producer
PortraitSidinho Moreira perc, BR
Rodrigo de Castro Lopes mastered by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Manhã De CarnavalIthamara Koorax
2Almost In LoveIthamara Koorax
3The Gentle RainIthamara Koorax
4Say GoodbyeIthamara Koorax
5Samba De OrfeuIthamara Koorax
6Non-Stop To BrazilIthamara Koorax
7Menina FlorIthamara Koorax
8Amor Sem AdeusIthamara Koorax
9Perdido De AmorIthamara Koorax
10Samblues For Mr. CoryellIthamara Koorax
11CorrentezaIthamara Koorax
12Empty GlassIthamara Koorax
13VidaIthamara Koorax
14Empty Glass (Remix)Ithamara Koorax
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