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Album Cover
Iver Kleive

Album NO 1998 on Kirkelig Kulturverksted label
Classical, Folk, World and (Contemporary, Nordic)

Recorded at Helgerud kirke, 18. and 19. Sep. 1998

PortraitIver Kleive org, p, *1949 NO
composed by, arranged by, conductor, grand piano, organ, producer, album by
Oslo Bach-kor
Jacopo da Pontormo
painting, angel
PortraitPaolo Vinaccia dr, perc, *1954 NO
PortraitAnne Gravir Klykken voc,
Ronnie Johansen
PortraitJon Eikemo voc, *1939 NO
voice, narrator
PortraitSaint John ,
words by
PortraitTraditional ,
music by, mel., , old song for mary, music by, hymn for mary's mass from 9th century, words by, song of songs (høy.), words by, psalms (salme), , middle ages, words by, from 14th century, , from 14th century
PortraitSaint Luke ,
words by
PortraitThomas Beck , NO
words by, norwegian text
PortraitRagnhild Voss ,
words by, norwegian text
PortraitSaint Matthew ,
words by
PortraitJohan Varen Ugland ,
words by, norwegian text
PortraitNikolaj Frederik Severin Grundtvig , 1783-1872 DK
words by
PortraitFranz Gruber , 1787-1863 AT
music by, me.
PortraitBernhard Severin Ingemann , 1789-1862 DK
words by
PortraitBernt Støylen ,
words by, norwegian text
PortraitSvein Ellingsen ,
words by
PortraitIsaias , GB
words by
PortraitMagnus Brostrup Landstad ,
words by, norwegian text
PortraitEystein Aasgrimsson ,
words by
Camilla Foss design
Kirkelig Kukturverksted design
Ulf Holand engineer, recording
Björn Engelmann mastered by
Guido Reni painting, front cover picture
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1I BegynnelsenIver Kleive
2PreludiumIver Kleive1:18
3Her Er Det Ny Som På Jorderik SkjeddeIver Kleive2:43
4Budskapet Til MariaIver Kleive
5Gammel MariaviseIver Kleive2:39
6Heil Deg Havsens StjernaIver Kleive3:06
7Guds FredIver Kleive0:34
8Ver Ikkje Redd MariaIver Kleive2:51
9Engelen Gabriel Og JosefIver Kleive
10JosefIver Kleive2:30
11Ave Maris StellaIver Kleive2:22
12Sett Meg Til InnsiglaIver Kleive
13Herodes Of VismenneneIver Kleive
14Det Samme LjosetIver Kleive1:30
15I Betlehem I JudalandetIver Kleive2:40
16Jesus Blir FødtIver Kleive
17JuleevangelietIver Kleive1:15
18Kristus HerrenIver Kleive2:24
19Et Barn Er Født I BetlehemIver Kleive2:27
20Glade JulIver Kleive4:26
21Å Skjønnaste RoseIver Kleive2:47
22FredsfyrstenIver Kleive
23 FredsfyrstenIver Kleive1:26
24 Marias SangIver Kleive2:03
25 Jeg Synger JulekvadIver Kleive4:00
26 Herodes Vil Drepe BarnetIver Kleive
27 Flukten Til EgyptIver Kleive1:55
28 Ropet I RamaIver Kleive1:28
29 Til NasaretIver Kleive
30 NasareerenIver Kleive0:35
31 Ingen HøyrdeIver Kleive1:46

30sec audio samples provided by

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