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Album Cover
Jerry Bock - Sheldon Harnick
Tenderloin - A New Musical Comedy (Original Broadway Cast Album)

Album US 1960 on Capitol Records label
Soundtrack (Musical)

Front cover notes: "SOUVENIR THEATRE PROGAM ENCLOSED". Interior of cover contains a cardboard insert with a pink slick applied that is exposed via the die-cut slot where the "Souvenir Theatre Program" can be inserted. Back cover includes: "Synopsis© 1960 The Tenderloin Company"

PortraitJerry Bock , 1928-2010 US
album by
PortraitSheldon Harnick key, *1924 US
lyrics by, album by
PortraitJack Elliott key, US
arranged by, dance music
PortraitIrwin Kostal , 1911-1994 US
orchestrated by
Ralph Dunn
Roy Fant
Portrait"Tenderloin" Orchestra ,
performer on track
Portrait"Tenderloin" Cast ,
performer on track
PortraitEileen Rodgers , Lee Becker ,
performer on track
PortraitMaurice Evans , 1901-1989 GB
performer on track
PortraitRon Hussmann ,
performer on track
PortraitLee Becker , Nancy Emes ,
performer on track
PortraitWynne Miller ,
performer on track
PortraitRon Hussmann , Margery Gray ,
performer on track
PortraitMaurice Evans , Lanier Davis , Jack Leigh , Charles Aschmann ,
performer on track
PortraitMaurice Evans , Eileen Rodgers , Christine Norden , Eddie Phillips , Lee Becker ,
performer on track
PortraitRon Hussmann , Wynne Miller ,
performer on track
PortraitEileen Rodgers voc, 1930-2003 US
performer on track
PortraitWynne Miller , Irene Kane , Rex Everhart , Raymond Bramley ,
performer on track
Harold Hastings directed by, musical direction
Andy Wiswell producer
Dick Jones producer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Overture"Tenderloin" Orchestra
2Bless This Land"Tenderloin" Cast
3Little Old New YorkEileen Rodgers , Lee Becker
4Dr. BrockMaurice Evans (2)
5Artificial FlowersRon Hussmann
6What;s In It For You?Maurice Evans (2)
7ReformLee Becker , Nancy Emes
8Tommy, TommyWynne Miller
9The Picture Of HappinessRon Hussmann , Margery Gray
10Dear FriendMaurice Evans (2)
11The Army Of The WestMaurice Evans (2) , Lanier Davis , Jack Leigh , Charles Aschmann
12How The Money Changes HandsMaurice Evans (2) , Eileen Rodgers , Christine Norden , Eddie Phillips (2) , Lee Becker
13Good Clean FunMaurice Evans (2)
14My Miss MaryRon Hussmann , Wynne Miller
15My Gentle Young JohnnyEileen Rodgers
16The TrialWynne Miller , Irene Kane , Rex Everhart , Raymond Bramley
17Reform"Tenderloin" Cast
18FinaleMaurice Evans (2)
External Links
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