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Album Cover
Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell
Alien - Complete Motion Picture Scores

Album AR 2016 on Cimmerian Records label
Classical and Soundtrack (Score, Theme, Classical)

PortraitJerry Goldsmith key, 1929-2004 US
album by
PortraitJames Horner key, 1953-2015 US
composed by, conductor, album by
PortraitElliot Goldenthal p, key, *1954 US
composed by, conductor, album by
PortraitJohn Frizzell g, *1966 US
composed by, producer, conductor, album by
PortraitLionel Newman p, 1916-1989 US
PortraitArthur Morton , 1908-2000 US
orchestrated by
PortraitGreig McRitchie tr, 1914-1997 US
orchestrated by
Mark Cross
score, co-producer
PortraitMatthias Gohl vn, *1956 CH
score, producer
PortraitMaureen Forrester voc, 1930-2010 CA
soprano vocals
Eric Tomlinson mixed by, engineer
Elliot Lurie supervised by
Matt Walker supervised by
Robert Kraft supervised by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1CD1Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell
2Alien - Complete Motion Picture ScoreJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell
3Main Title (New)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:57
4Main Title (Original)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:57
5HypersleepJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:35
6Hypersleep (Alt)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:34
7The LandingJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell4:16
8The Alien ShipJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell4:18
9The Space JockeyJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:20
10The Space Jockey (Alt)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:18
11The PassageJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell0:55
12The Egg ChamberJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:56
13Eggs Or SomethingJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell0:46
14The Egg Chamber (Alt)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:27
15The LabJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell4:13
16Face HuggerJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:33
17SurgeryJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell0:49
18The Lab (Alt)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:02
19Eine Kleine NachtmusikJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:10
20Where Is It?Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell0:54
21Kane's Death & Burial At SpaceJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:39
22Unused TrackJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell0:32
23Seek & DestroyJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:13
24Seek & Destroy (Alt)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell0:56
25Here Kitty, KittyJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:59
26Questioning MotherJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:19
27Chasing The Alien (New)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell4:16
28Chasing The Alien (Original)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell4:28
29Fighting With AshJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:17
30Death Of Parker And LambertJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:52
31The Last SurvivorsJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:54
32Destruction System Activated Pt 1Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:09
33Scared StiffJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:42
34Destruction System Activated Pt 2Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell0:58
35Away From The ShipJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:45
36Hidden AlienJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:59
37CD2Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell
38Final ConfrontationJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:22
39Final LogJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:32
40End Titles (New)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:49
41End Titles (Original)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:40
42Main Title - The NostromoJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell4:08
43HypersleepJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:43
44The Jockey #2Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:26
45The Jockey #3Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:25
46Dead A Long TimeJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell0:55
47The EggJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:31
48The Egg (Alt)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell0:57
49Face HuggerJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:04
50Acid For BloodJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:16
51The Air DuctJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell4:41
52Scared StiffJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:16
53The Last SurvivorsJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:08
54Breakaway & Signing OffJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:08
55You Are My Lucky StarJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:01
56Main TitleJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:17
57Hyper SleepJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:52
58The LandingJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell4:25
59BreakawayJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:17
60The DroidJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:45
61The DoorJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:27
62End TitleJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:25
63Alien SuiteJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell10:47
64CD3Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell
65Aliens - Complete Motion Picture ScoreJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell
66Main TitlesJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell5:08
67Bad DreamsJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:19
68Dark Discovery / Newt's HorrorJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:05
69LV-426Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:01
70Combat DropJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:22
71The ComplexJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:31
72Atmosphere StationJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:08
73The Place Is Dead / Med LabJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:59
74The Unknown NewtJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:11
75Sub-Level 3Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell6:36
76Ripley's RescueJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:15
77Face-HuggersJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell4:24
78Futile EscapeJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell8:22
79Newt Is Taken / The ElevatorJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:03
80Going After NewtJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:14
81Finding The QueenJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:42
82Bishop's CountdownJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:47
83Queen To BishopJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:29
84Resolution And HyperspaceJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell6:43
85CD4Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell
86Main Titles (Alternate)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell6:23
87Bad Dreams (Take 2)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:20
88Bad Dreams (Take 3)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:21
89Dark Discovery (Alternate)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:54
90Combat Drop (Take 2)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:26
91Combat Drop (Take 3)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:25
92Combat Drop (Take 4)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:20
93LV-426 (Film Edit)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:10
94Ripley's Rescue (Alternate)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:12
95Ripley's Rescue (Percussion)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell5:14
96Futile Escape (Alternate)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell5:44
97Bishop's Countdown (Alternate)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:24
98Queen To Bishop (Alternate)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:25
99HyperspaceJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:52
100Resolution And Hyperspace (Alternate)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell6:23
101Main Title (Re-recording)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell6:21
102Futile Escape (Re-recording)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell5:44
103Bishop's Countdown (Re-recording)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:24
104Aliens SuiteJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell10:44
105CD5Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell
106Alien³ - Complete Motion Picture ScoreJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell
107Twentieth Century Fox FanfareJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell0:15
108Main TitleJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell4:33
109Main Title Part 2Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:05
110The Survivor Is A WomanJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:53
111They Didn't SurviveJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell0:33
112The WreckageJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:37
113The DogJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell0:27
114MorgueJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:39
115AutopsyJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:14
116Outbreak Of CholeraJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell0:57
117The CremationJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:57
118Chow Down With The BoysJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:34
119How Do You Like Your HaircutJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:52
120First AttackJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:09
121Appreciative Of Your AffectionsJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:40
122That's His BootJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:19
123A Mark, A BurnJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell0:52
124Droid-RapeJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:29
125Candles In The WindJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:19
126Bishop Turned OnJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:17
127The DragonJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:15
128You're Going To Die TooJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell0:43
129It's A Long Said StoryJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:28
130Clemens DiesJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:44
131Andrew's StingJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell0:11
132What Are We Going To DoJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell4:24
133The ExplosionJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell6:40
134The AftermathJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell0:59
135I Have To Get To The ShipJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:40
136The Beat WithinJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:13
137CD6Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell
138In The BasementJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:28
139Alien's LairJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:21
140It Won't Kill MeJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:09
141I'm Not One For BeggingJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:03
142This Was Her IdeaJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell0:54
143It's StartedJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell4:34
144It's Started Pt 2Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:29
145More Bait And ChaseJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:20
146Trap The Alien-Dillon's DeliveranceJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:46
147GotchaJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell0:52
148Hello I Must Be GoingJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:36
149You Can Still Have A LifeJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell4:13
150End CreditsJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell5:41
151Alien 3 Trailer MusicJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:12
152Lento (Re-recording)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell6:14
153Adagio (Re-recordning)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell4:19
154Alien3 SuiteJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell10:47
155CD7Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell
156Alien Resurrection - Complete Motion Picture ScoreJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell
157Main Title (Original Version)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:13
158Ripley RebornJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:21
159Main Title (Film Version)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:07
160Post-OpJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:20
161Quiete A GripJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:07
162Her MajestyJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell0:49
163The ProphecyJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:08
164The KnifeJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:41
165Docking The BettyJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:17
166Face-HuggersJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:10
167A Little One By OneJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:19
168After Hours On DeckJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:11
169A Fast LearnerJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell0:33
170Call Finds RipleyJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:01
171Mess In The Mess HallJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:16
172The Aliens EscapeJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:41
173The TrapJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:22
174EvacuationJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:13
175Ripley's EscapeJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:22
176Wayward WeaponryJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell0:28
177Elgyn KilledJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:04
178The Appearance Of RipleyJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell0:46
179Sticking TogetherJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:19
180Santa Claus In A WheelchairJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell0:40
181Where The Meat IsJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:07
182Small TalkJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell0:13
183Ripley Meets Her ClonesJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:24
184"Kill Me"Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:16
185A Waste Of AmmoJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:37
186What's Inside Purvis?Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:18
187No BackstrokeJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell0:31
188They Swim....Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell8:49
189The AutonJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:46
190The ChapelJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:15
191The Clone & The RobotJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:38
192The AbductionJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:47
193CD8Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell
194Purvis EruptsJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:20
195The NewbornJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:32
196100 Yards DashJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:01
197Ripley's ReturnJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:27
198Baby On BoardJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:38
199The Battle With The NewbornJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:13
200"I'm A Stranger Here Myself"Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:56
201"I'm A Stranger Here Myself" (Alternate)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell1:49
202Ripley's ThemeJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:09
203End TitleJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:24
204Main Title (Alternate)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:13
205Elgyn's Death (Alternate)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:03
206Alien OutbreakJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell4:10
207Ripley Meet Her Clones (Alternate)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:19
208Wht's Inside Purvis? (Alternate)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:26
209They Swim... (Alternate)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell6:25
210The Chapel (Alternate)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell2:35
211The Abduction (Alternate)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell3:32
212The Battle With The Newborn (Alternate)Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell6:02
213"Priva Son D'Ogni Conforto"Jerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell5:27
214Alien Resurrection SuiteJerry Goldsmith, James Horner, Elliot Goldenthal, John Frizzell10:44
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