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Jerry Goldsmith
Jerry Goldsmith At 20th Century Fox

Compil. US 2004 on Varèse Sarabande label
Soundtrack (Score)

Jerry Goldsmith at 20th Century Fox: (Jerry Goldsmith) In one of the most comprehensive compilations ever to be released in the genre of film music, the Varèse Sarabande label built a 6-CD set based on the vast collection of material written by composer Jerry Goldsmith for films of the studio 20th Century Fox. According to Varèse, the 2004 set was meant to kick off a year-long celebration of Goldsmith's 75th birthday by the label (which had already announced in late 2003 that they would be releasing an SACD of Goldsmith's rejected Timeline score), though the composer passed away just a few months thereafter. Before diving into the debate about the concept of the 6-CD set itself, as well as the circumstances of its release, a summary of its contents may help you decide if it is worth the enormous expense. The set does not include all of Goldsmith's work for Fox; among the six exclusions are Capricorn One and Sleeping with the Enemy, both extremely unfortunate omissions, but it does offer at least one cue (and often many more) from Goldsmith's 39 other projects for Fox. For a comprehensive track listing, browse further down this page. All of the material on the first three albums has been released before, with the first album showcasing Goldsmith's war and action music, the second album containing Westerns, and the third album limited to suspense and horror. A considerable amount of the material on the first two albums had been recently released by Film Score Monthly in its limited Silver Age series of CDs. The third album contains a strong collection from the franchise of The Omen, however. The three latter CDs are the ones that will likely interest the collector of more obscure Goldsmith music. Among the more notable first-time releases are cues from Von Ryan's Express, Fate is the Hunter, The Agony and the Ecstasy (the original recording), and Alien, from which the original main titles and a medley of unreleased cues was offered for the first time. While most had never been heard even on commercial LP albums, The Chairman was making the transition for the first time. Although many of these scores had long been bootlegged, a few of them (such as Fate is the Hunter) were truly new to the ears of even the most avid Goldsmith collectors. More modern collectors appreciated The Vanishing as the only new inclusion from the digital era, though Varèse released that score in full as another of their Club entries not long after. In sum, there were 79 previously unreleased tracks between those final three CDs at the time of the set's debut.

PortraitJerry Goldsmith key, 1929-2004 US
album by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Patton - Main TitleJerry Goldsmith
2Patton - First BattleJerry Goldsmith
3Patton - AttackJerry Goldsmith
4Patton - German AdvanceJerry Goldsmith
5Patton - Pensive Patton/End TitlesJerry Goldsmith
6Tora! Tora! Tora! - Main TitleJerry Goldsmith
7Tora! Tora! Tora! - ChancelleryJerry Goldsmith
8Tora! Tora! Tora! - Pre-Flight CountdownJerry Goldsmith
9Tora! Tora! Tora! - On the WayJerry Goldsmith
10Tora! Tora! Tora! - The Final MessageJerry Goldsmith
11The Sand Pebbles - OvertureJerry Goldsmith
12The Sand Pebbles - Main TitleJerry Goldsmith
13The Sand Pebbles - Getting AcquaintedJerry Goldsmith
14The Sand Pebbles - Death Of A Thousand CutsJerry Goldsmith
15Morituri - Main Title/Tokyo AssignmentJerry Goldsmith
16The Blue Max - Main TitleJerry Goldsmith
17The Blue Max - First BloodJerry Goldsmith
18The Blue Max - The AttackJerry Goldsmith
19Planet Of The Apes - Main TitleJerry Goldsmith
20Planet Of The Apes - The Clothes SnatchersJerry Goldsmith
21Planet Of The Apes - The HuntJerry Goldsmith
22Escape From The Planet Of The Apes - Main TitleJerry Goldsmith
23Our Man Flint - Our Man FlintJerry Goldsmith
24Our Man Flint - You're A Foolish Man, Mr. FlintJerry Goldsmith
25In Like Flint - Where The Bad Guys Are GalsJerry Goldsmith
26In Like Flint - Mince And Cook Until TenderJerry Goldsmith
27Bad Girls - The HangingJerry Goldsmith
28Bad Girls - My LandJerry Goldsmith
29Take A Hard Ride - Main TitleJerry Goldsmith
30Take A Hard Ride - The SnakeJerry Goldsmith
31Take A Hard Ride - The WagonJerry Goldsmith
32Rio Conchos - Main TitleJerry Goldsmith
33Rio Conchos - Bandits Ho!Jerry Goldsmith
34100 Rifles - Main TitleJerry Goldsmith
35100 Rifles - Escape And PursuitJerry Goldsmith
36100 Rifles - I'll Go BackJerry Goldsmith
37Stagecoach - Main TitleJerry Goldsmith
38Stagecoach - A New PassengerJerry Goldsmith
39Stagecoach - Family HistoryJerry Goldsmith
40The Flim Flam Man - Main TitleJerry Goldsmith
41The Flim Flam Man - No Rest For The WickedJerry Goldsmith
42A Girl Named Sooner - Main TitleJerry Goldsmith
43A Girl Named Sooner - Making A DifferenceJerry Goldsmith
44Ace Eli And Roger Of The Skies - Main TitleJerry Goldsmith
45Ace Eli And Roger Of The Skies - Off To MonumentJerry Goldsmith
46Ace Eli And Roger Of The Skies - Final FlightJerry Goldsmith
47Justine - JustineJerry Goldsmith
48Justine - The SchoolJerry Goldsmith
49The Stripper - Main TitleJerry Goldsmith
50The Stripper - Sunday DinnerJerry Goldsmith
51The Stripper - TitleJerry Goldsmith
52The Edge - Lost In The WildJerry Goldsmith
53The Edge - DeadfallJerry Goldsmith
54The Edge - The EdgeJerry Goldsmith
55Chain Reaction - Meet EddieJerry Goldsmith
56Chain Reaction - Ice ChaseJerry Goldsmith
57Magic - Main TitleJerry Goldsmith
58Magic - Corky's RetreatJerry Goldsmith
59Magic - AppassionataJerry Goldsmith
60The Other - Main TitleJerry Goldsmith
61The Other - The BrothersJerry Goldsmith
62The Other - The FlightJerry Goldsmith
63The Mephisto Waltz - Main TitleJerry Goldsmith
64The Mephisto Waltz - A Night In MexicoJerry Goldsmith
65The Mephisto Waltz - End TitleJerry Goldsmith
66The Omen - Ave SataniJerry Goldsmith
67The Omen - The New AmbassadorJerry Goldsmith
68The Omen - The Killer StormJerry Goldsmith
69Damien: Omen II - Main TitleJerry Goldsmith
70Damien: Omen II - Runaway TrainJerry Goldsmith
71The Final Conflict - The HuntJerry Goldsmith
72The Final Conflict - The Final ConflictJerry Goldsmith
73The Agony And The Ecstasy - Prologue - The Artist Who Did Not Want To PaintJerry Goldsmith
74Shock Treatment - Main TitleJerry Goldsmith
75Shock Treatment - Home WorkJerry Goldsmith
76Shock Treatment - Broken GlassJerry Goldsmith
77Shock Treatment - Night SceneJerry Goldsmith
78Shock Treatment - Nelson's SeductionJerry Goldsmith
79Shock Treatment - Shot In The NeckJerry Goldsmith
80Shock Treatment - Nelson's EscapeJerry Goldsmith
81Shock Treatment - Hot Money #2Jerry Goldsmith
82Shock Treatment - End TitlesJerry Goldsmith
83Fate Is The Hunter - Main TitleJerry Goldsmith
84Fate Is The Hunter - The RoomJerry Goldsmith
85Fate Is The Hunter - Fate Is The Hunter (vocal: Jerry Write)Jerry Goldsmith
86Fate Is The Hunter - Finale And End TitlesJerry Goldsmith
87Von Ryan's Express - The CompoundJerry Goldsmith
88Von Ryan's Express - Fire SaleJerry Goldsmith
89Von Ryan's Express - The Trek BeginsJerry Goldsmith
90Von Ryan's Express - The AmbushJerry Goldsmith
91Von Ryan's Express - The TrainJerry Goldsmith
92Von Ryan's Express - Dead EndJerry Goldsmith
93Von Ryan's Express - End TitlesJerry Goldsmith
94Von Ryan's Express - Fire Sale (bonus Track - Alternate)Jerry Goldsmith
95S*P*Y*S - Main TitleJerry Goldsmith
96S*P*Y*S - Anybody Got A Key?Jerry Goldsmith
97S*P*Y*S - The MannequinJerry Goldsmith
98S*P*Y*S - New FriendsJerry Goldsmith
99S*P*Y*S - Who's Paying?Jerry Goldsmith
100S*P*Y*S - Dog-Gone Par'sJerry Goldsmith
101S*P*Y*S - Tools Of The TradeJerry Goldsmith
102S*P*Y*S - The BuyJerry Goldsmith
103S*P*Y*S - End TitleJerry Goldsmith
104The Chairman - SuiteJerry Goldsmith
105The Detective - Main TitleJerry Goldsmith
106The Detective - JoeJerry Goldsmith
107The Detective - The School DanceJerry Goldsmith
108The Detective - A New LoveJerry Goldsmith
109The Detective - A Family AffairJerry Goldsmith
110The Detective - Beach SceneJerry Goldsmith
111The Detective - The Ball GameJerry Goldsmith
112The Detective - Karen's StoryJerry Goldsmith
113The Detective - Night TalkJerry Goldsmith
114The Detective - The Safe CrackerJerry Goldsmith
115The Detective - McIver's StoryJerry Goldsmith
116The Detective - Joe's DecisionJerry Goldsmith
117Alien - Main Title (Film Version)Jerry Goldsmith
118Alien - SuiteJerry Goldsmith
119Damnation Alley - Main Title/The Missile SiteJerry Goldsmith
120Damnation Alley - After The HolocaustJerry Goldsmith
121Damnation Alley - Into The ValleyJerry Goldsmith
122Damnation Alley - The Land MasterJerry Goldsmith
123Damnation Alley - Cockroach AttackJerry Goldsmith
124Damnation Alley - Finding BillyJerry Goldsmith
125Damnation Alley - The RealignmentJerry Goldsmith
126Damnation Alley - Blue SkyJerry Goldsmith
127Damnation Alley - FinaleJerry Goldsmith
128Anna And The King - Main TitleJerry Goldsmith
129Anna And The King - Anna ArrivesJerry Goldsmith
130Anna And The King - March Of The Royal ChildrenJerry Goldsmith
131Anna And The King - My SecretJerry Goldsmith
132Anna And The King - The Throne RoomJerry Goldsmith
133Anna And The King - Anna DecidesJerry Goldsmith
134Anna And The King - Better WaysJerry Goldsmith
135Anna And The King - A Royal ChildJerry Goldsmith
136Anna And The King - No MarriageJerry Goldsmith
137Anna And The King - You LoseJerry Goldsmith
138Anna And The King - A Practical WomanJerry Goldsmith
139Anna And The King - End TitlesJerry Goldsmith
140A Tree Grows In Brooklyn - Main TitleJerry Goldsmith
141A Tree Grows In Brooklyn - A Warm DayJerry Goldsmith
142A Tree Grows In Brooklyn - No TreeJerry Goldsmith
143A Tree Grows In Brooklyn - When My Ship Comes InJerry Goldsmith
144A Tree Grows In Brooklyn - The CakeJerry Goldsmith
145A Tree Grows In Brooklyn - Don't Touch MeJerry Goldsmith
146A Tree Grows In Brooklyn - Father's GirlJerry Goldsmith
147A Tree Grows In Brooklyn - A New TreeJerry Goldsmith
148The Vanishing - The CoupleJerry Goldsmith
149The Vanishing - A BeginningJerry Goldsmith
150The Vanishing - DianeJerry Goldsmith
151The Vanishing - Burial Ground, Resolution & CodaJerry Goldsmith
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