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Album Cover
Jerry Goldsmith
Perry Mason / Playhouse 90 (The Early Years Volume 1)

Compil. BE 2007 on Prometheus Records label
Classical and Soundtrack (Score, Contemporary)

PortraitJerry Goldsmith key, 1929-2004 US
composed by, conductor, album by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Playhouse 90: Marriage Of StrangersJerry Goldsmith
2A New HomeJerry Goldsmith4:02
3Wedding DinnerJerry Goldsmith4:09
4Perry Mason: The Case Of The Blushing PearlsJerry Goldsmith
5The Pearls / Caught In The ActJerry Goldsmith1:11
6Inquest / Poolside / Jewelry StoreJerry Goldsmith1:18
7New ClientJerry Goldsmith2:57
8Dead ManJerry Goldsmith1:51
9Missing Page / Private Eye / Gentle WarningJerry Goldsmith2:00
10Another Gentle Warning / The ArrestJerry Goldsmith0:57
11Confession / New TestimonyJerry Goldsmith1:26
12Fake Pearls / FireJerry Goldsmith1:53
13Guilty PartyJerry Goldsmith0:35
14Tea HouseJerry Goldsmith1:05
15Playhouse 90: TomorrowJerry Goldsmith
16Winter DreamsJerry Goldsmith2:08
17Tomorrow / Every Night The Sun Goes Down / Jackson Fentry / Saw Mill / The Woman / The Warm Room / Morning / The Decision / The Farm / Fentry Comes Back/ The Denial / The VisitJerry Goldsmith7:58
18The New ArrivalJerry Goldsmith1:26
19CBS Production Library Music: Unknown Episodic ScoreJerry Goldsmith
20The VillagersJerry Goldsmith3:07
21The CampJerry Goldsmith2:19
22The Camp At NightJerry Goldsmith2:33
23Quiet NightJerry Goldsmith2:07
24Village DeathJerry Goldsmith2:07
25Mysterious Storm / Knife FightJerry Goldsmith2:31
26Lineup: Wake Up To TerrorJerry Goldsmith
27The Plot / The Keys / Scene Of The Crime / Police Station / Stolen Car / Brother And Sister / The Joint / The Pinch / The Visitors / The Warning / Unfriendly Visit / The Beach PartyJerry Goldsmith9:16
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