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Album Cover
Keith Marks
Foreign Funk

Album US 2006 on Markei Records label
Jazz and R&B/Soul (Fusion, Funk)

PortraitKeith Marks fl, US
arranged by, flute, producer, album by, written by
PortraitLou Volpe g, b, key,
arranged by, guitar
PortraitDonald Nicks b, eb, US
PortraitWally Gator dr, perc,
PortraitPete Levin syn, *1942 US
Shuichi Morita engineer, assistant
Fred Kevorkian mastered by
Frances Perkins producer
Timothy Marquand producer
David Stone recorded by, mixed by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Axel FKeith MarksHarold Faltermeyer5:09
2Foreign FunkKeith MarksKeith Marks3:54
3Sho' OffKeith MarksRalph MacDonald, William Eaton, William Salter4:35
4Summer BreezeKeith MarksSeals & Crofts6:19
5PatsyKeith MarksKeith Marks4:20
6Mercy, Mercy, MercyKeith MarksJoe Zawinul5:00
7AlwaysKeith MarksJonathan Lewis4:13
8Eleanor RigbyKeith MarksLennon-McCartney5:55
9Mission ImpossibleKeith MarksLalo Schifrin4:10
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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