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Album Cover
Linkin Park
A Thousand Suns

Album US 2010 on Warner Bros. Records label
Hip-Hop/Rap and Rock (Alternative Rock, Industrial)

this enhanced CD contains a bonus audio track: "The Catalyst featuring NoBraiN" The new Album featuring The Catalyst,Iridescent & Waiting for the End includes Myspace music contest winner "The Catalyst featuring NoBraiN"

PortraitLinkin Park , *1996 US
album by
PortraitChester Bennington voc, *1976 US
lyrics by, vocals
PortraitMike Shinoda voc, sampler, *1977 US
producer, vocals, engineer, lyrics by, edited by, pro tools editing
PortraitJerry Johnson ,
technician, drums
PortraitRobert Oppenheimer , 1904-1967 US
vocals, speech
PortraitNoBraiN ,
programmed by, additional
PortraitMario Savio voc,
vocals, speech
PortraitDr. Martin Luther King, Jr. , *1929 US
written by, vocals, speech
Joseph Hahn backing vocals
Phoenix backing vocals
Rob Bourdon backing vocals
Brad Delson backing vocals, edited by, additional pro tools editing
Lindsay Chase coordinator, album production
Ryan DeMarti coordinator, album production
Ethan Mates engineer, edited by, pro tools editing
Josh Newell engineer, edited by, pro tools editing
Neal Avron mixed by
Nicolas Fournier mixed by, assistant
Rick Rubin producer
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1The RequiemLinkin Park2:01
2The RadianceLinkin Park0:58
3Burning In The SkiesLinkin Park4:13
4Empty SpacesLinkin Park0:18
5When They Come For MeLinkin Park4:56
6 Robot BoyLinkin Park4:26
7 Jornada Del MuertoLinkin Park1:35
8 Waiting For The EndLinkin Park3:52
9 BlackoutLinkin Park4:39
10 Wretches And KingsLinkin Park4:15
11 Wisdom, Justice, And LoveLinkin ParkDr. Martin Luther King, Jr.1:39
12 IridescentLinkin Park4:57
13 FalloutLinkin Park1:23
14 The CatalystLinkin Park5:40
15 The MessengerLinkin Park3:04

30sec audio samples provided by

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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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