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Album Cover
Nick Curran And The Nitelifes
Nitelife Boogie

Album US 2001 on Texas Jamboree Records label
Jazz, Rock and Blues (Electric Blues, Rock’n’Roll, Swing, East Coast Blues, Jump Blues, Rhythm’n’Blues)

Great Jump Blues

PortraitNick Curran And The Nitelifes ,
album by
PortraitPhillip Law dr,
PortraitEric Matthew Przygocki cb,
electric upright bass
PortraitDave Biller g, eg,
PortraitNick Curran g, voc, 1977-2012 US
guitar, vocals, written by
PortraitT. Jarrod Bonta p,
PortraitJim Trimmier ts, sax, voc,
PortraitMurph Motycka sax, ts,
Chaz Armstrong layout, design
George Brainard photography by
Billy Horton producer, engineer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1I'm Glad, GladNick Curran And The NitelifesLloyd Price
2Nitelife BoogieNick Curran And The NitelifesJimmy Liggins
3Let The Daddy Hold YouNick Curran And The NitelifesOtis Blackwell
4I Want To Love SomebodyNick Curran And The NitelifesNick Curran
5Low Down Dirty ShameNick Curran And The NitelifesT-Bone Walker
6Close To MidnightNick Curran And The NitelifesNick Curran
7This Time I'm Out The DoorNick Curran And The NitelifesNick Curran
8Space GuitarNick Curran And The NitelifesJohnny Guitar Watson
9She's FifteenNick Curran And The NitelifesNick Curran
10Jukebox MamaNick Curran And The NitelifesNick Curran
11You Know My LoveNick Curran And The NitelifesWillie Dixon
12Wrong Doin' WomanNick Curran And The Nitelifes
13Come Back To Me BabyNick Curran And The NitelifesNick Curran
14Don't Jive Me BabyNick Curran And The NitelifesNick Curran
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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