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Album Cover
Orquesta Aragon
Bailables De Cuba

Album CU on Areito label
Latin (Charanga, Cha-cha-cha, Bolero, Guaracha)

Different label design with dark blue background color and silver letters. Catalog number and side indicator printed at 3 o'clock. A1: Guachipupa, A2: Shake cha, A3: Cha-Cha-Chá, A4: Guajira cha, A5: Bolero, B1: Guachipupa, B2: Guaracha, B3: Bolero, B4: Mozanchá, B5: Bolero cha.

PortraitOrquesta Aragon , *1939 CU
album by
PortraitDagoberto Pascual Gonzalez Piedra vn, CU
arranged by
PortraitRichard Egües fl, p, 1924-2006 CU
arranged by, written by
PortraitTony Taño tr, *1938 CU
arranged by, written by
PortraitRafael Lay Apesteguía voc, 1927-1982 CU
directed by, arranged by, written by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Sube Un Poquito MasOrquesta AragonTony Taño
2Todo Comienza AhoraOrquesta AragonEugenio Fernandez
3La Edad Y La MentiraOrquesta AragonMarcos Perdomo
4Voy A Hablar Con Tu PapaOrquesta AragonArturo Alonso
5Requiem Por Mi DolorOrquesta AragonMarisela Ramírez, Rafael Lay Apesteguía
6El CerquilloOrquesta AragonRichard Egües
7Lo Que Me Dijo Una ChicaOrquesta AragonMario L. Hernández
8Tus Alas RotasOrquesta AragonCaridad García
9Goza, DoraOrquesta AragonMario L. Forest
10Dile A MamaOrquesta AragonJose Rigoberto Dita
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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