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Album Cover
Otomo Yoshihide

Album US 1999 on Tzadik label
Electronic (Experimental, Free Improvisation)

Tracks 1, 2, 4 recorded and mixed at Gok Sound, Tokyo, February and March 1999. Track 3 recorded at Gok Sound and A-102 Studio, Tokyo, February and March 1999. Mixed and edited at A-102 Studio, Tokyo, April 1999. Tracks 1 and 4 use no overdubs, edits or electronic effects. Mastered at Foothill Digital, NYC. thanks to all musicians, Kondo Yoshiaki, Ito, Ikue Mori and John Zorn

PortraitOtomo Yoshihide ttbl, g, *1959 JP
composed by, mixed by, edited by, producer, recorded by, album by, composed by, sampling composition on hard disk recorder
PortraitTsuneo Imahori g, JP
acoustic guitar
PortraitSachiko M sampler, *1970 JP
sampler, with sine wave generator, electronics, contact microphone, sampler, with sine wave, sampler, sine wave generator
PortraitKo Ishikawa voc, *1963 JP
sho, sho, reverse with electronics
PortraitUtah Kawasaki syn, *1976 JP
synthesizer, silent, synthesizer, analog
PortraitMochizuki Naoya vc,
PortraitMasaaki Kikuchi b, cb, *1968 JP
contrabass, contra bass
PortraitNaoko Eto key, syn, JP
piano, piano, prepared with electronics and reverse cymbals
PortraitYumiko Tanaka voc, JP
shamisen, futozao
PortraitYoshiaki Kondo ,
tape, manipulation
PortraitKudo Miho vn,
PortraitAmi Yoshida voc, *1976
PortraitToru Yamashita ,
PortraitYasuhiro Otani , JP
PortraitToshimaru Nakamura g, sampler,
effects, electronics, mixing board
Heung-Heung Chin design
John Zorn executive-producer
Kazunori Sugiyama executive-producer, associate producer
Allan Tucker mastered by
Yoshiaki Kondo mixed by, recorded by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Modulation #2Otomo Yoshihide10:14
2Cathode #1Otomo Yoshihide17:18
3Cathode #2Otomo YoshihideOtomo Yoshihide17:00
4Modulation #1Otomo Yoshihide10:26
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