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Album Cover
Wishful Thinking

Album UK 1985 on ZTT label
Electronic (Synth-pop)

[sleeve notes front cover] (for the footsteps and heartbeats of the connoisseur) 'Wishful Thinking' is disturbdances of five songs [sleeve notes back cover] Zas twenty: "Wishful Thinking": sarm studio disturbdances of 5 Propaganda songs. 39 studio hours of bending, repeating, arranging and editing by Robert Kraushaar and Paul Morley from original material produced by S.J. Lipson T.C. Horn for the long player 'A Secret Wish'. Tape operator: Paul Wright. Produced in a limited edition by Z.T.T. Records and Japes for Island Records U.S.A. and released in Europe as a souvenir of Propaganda's Autumn 1985 outside world "Tour". Propaganda performed by Claudia Brücken (vocals) Susanne Freytag (vocals) and Michael Mertens (percussion) with the assistance of Derek Forbes (bass) Brian McGee (drums) Kevin Armstrong (Guitar). Not in performance: Ralf Dorper. [this is the line-up of the Outside World tour, not the credits for the Wishful Thinking recordings] There is a poem of Goethe in which these lines occur: "Und umzuschaffen das Gesschaffene Dass sich's nicht zum Starren waffne Wikt ewiges lebendiges Thun" Which can be roughly translated: "And refashioning the fashioned lest it stiffen into iron is work of endless vital activity" _____ ℗ + © 1984/5 ZTT Individual tracks durations not listed on release.

PortraitPropaganda , DE
album by
PortraitClaudia Brücken voc, *1963 DE
painting, cover, written by, propaganda music written up by
PortraitPaul Wright ,
tape op, tape operator
PortraitMichael Mertens key, perc,
written by, propaganda music written up by
PortraitRalf Dörper sampler, *1960 DE
written by, propaganda music written up by
PortraitSusanne Freytag voc,
written by, propaganda music written up by
PortraitMalcolm Ross g, bvoc, *1960 GB
written by, a piece originally written by
PortraitPaul Haig g, voc, *1960 GB
written by, a piece originally written by
ZTT design, sleeve designed
Copperman mastered by
John Stoddart photography by
Peter Brown photography by
Stephen Lipson producer, original material produced by
Trevor Horn producer, original material produced by
Bob Kraushaar remix, reproductions by
Paul Morley remix, reproductions by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Here: Disturbdances Of Songs By PropagandaPropaganda20:07
2AbusePropagandaAndreas Thein, Michael Mertens, Ralf Dörper3:29
4Laughed!PropagandaMalcolm Ross, Paul Haig8:54
6There: Disturbdances Of Songs By PropagandaPropaganda21:22
9AbusePropagandaAndreas Thein, Michael Mertens, Ralf Dörper4:17
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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