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Album Cover
Sigur Rós

Album IS 1997 on Smekkleysa label
Electronic and Rock (Abstract, Ambient, Experimental, Shoegaze)

Packaging is clear purple jewel case. The album title Von translates as "Hope". The track names can be translated as: I: Victory Rose II: Dawn III: Mother Earth ... IV: Search for Life V: Darkness VI: 18 Seconds Before Sunrise VII: The Sea's Sun VIII: A World, New and Crazed IX: Hope X: Mist XI: Sins of God (Revelation of the Savior) XII: Ssenkrad ["Darkness" backwards] The lyrics of III are a variation on the Lord's Prayer. [From the disc:] ©&℗ 1997 smekkleysa sm/ehf [From the booklet:] Hljóðsmíðin var hljóðrituð vor daga 1995, hljóðblönduð veturinn 1995 til 1996 í hljóðverinu sem hvarf, Hvarf. Tónjöfnun og uppsetning Vonar var gerð í Núlist byrjun sumars 1997. Hönnun og umbrot útlits umslags gerðum við heima á því herrans ári 1997. Lokahönd er lögð á Von. [translating as]: Recorded in spring 1995, mixed in winter 1995-1996 in the studio that disappeared, Hvarf. The editing and arrangements of Von were made at Núlist at the start of summer 1997. Design and layout of the packaging was done at home in 1997. The final hand is placed on Von.

PortraitSigur Rós , *1994 IS
lyrics by, textar, songwriter, lagasmíð, mastered by, hljóðvinnsla, layout, umbrot, graphics, myndasmíð, design, hönnun, performer, hljóðfæraleikur, mixed by, hljóðblöndun, arranged by, útsetning, edited by, óhljóðstjórn, recorded by, upptökur, album by
PortraitGeorg Hólm b, key, cb, *1976 IS
performer, sigur rós er
PortraitJón Þór Birgisson g, voc, key, *1975 IS
performer, sigur rós er
PortraitÁgúst Ævar Gunnarsson dr, *1976 IS
performer, sigur rós er
Sigur Rós
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Sigur RósSigur Rós9:46
2DögunSigur Rós5:50
3Hún Jörð ...Sigur Rós7:17
4Leit Að LífiSigur Rós2:33
5MyrkurSigur Rós6:14
618 Sekúndur Fyrir SólarupprásSigur Rós0:18
7HafssólSigur Rós12:24
8Veröld Ný Og ÓðSigur Rós3:29
9VonSigur Rós5:12
10 MisturSigur Rós2:16
11 Syndir Guðs (Opinberun Frelsarans)Sigur Rós7:40
12 RukrymSigur Rós8:59

30sec audio samples provided by

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