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Album Cover
Sven Palzer
Body Rock

Album DE 2001 on Hollow Music label
Dance (Techno)

Title on cover is "Sven Palzer Presents Body Rock"

PortraitSven Palzer ,
album by, written by, producer
PortraitSimon dr,
performer on track
PortraitSimon Pearson dr, GB
written by, producer
PortraitFuture Funk , DE
performer on track
PortraitJerome Isma-Ae , DE
written by, producer
PortraitMarcel Krieg , DE
written by, producer
PortraitCorvin Dalek voc,
performer on track, written by, producer
PortraitAlex Flatner , DE
written by, producer
PortraitNoel Pix g, key, *1972 DE
written by, producer
PortraitBaggy Bukaddor , DE
written by, producer
PortraitSiggi Wafzig ,
written by, producer
PortraitTimo Maas , *1969 DE
performer on track, written by, producer
PortraitAndy Bolleshon , DE
written by, producer
PortraitMartin Buttrich , DE
written by, producer
PortraitWorld Clique ,
performer on track
PortraitLaurent Garnier voc, key, *1966 FR
performer on track, written by, producer
PortraitAaron-Carl voc, 1973-2010 US
performer on track, written by, producer
PortraitNeil Himmons ,
performer on track, written by, producer
PortraitAndy Holt ,
written by, producer
PortraitMichael Park , GB
written by, producer
PortraitLuke Slater dr, *1968 GB
performer on track, written by, producer
PortraitChris Dececio ,
performer on track, written by, producer
PortraitMad Dogs , GB
performer on track
PortraitDan Maxam ,
performer on track, written by
PortraitDenis Gökdag ,
written by, producer
PortraitSharpside ,
performer on track
PortraitNicolas Scaravilli , *1974 BE
written by, producer
PortraitPsychogene , BE
written by, producer
Sven Palzer dj mix
Gorden Thye photography by
Jürgen Driessen remix
Oliver Klein remix
Plasmatics remix
Jan Driver remix
James Holden remix
Futureshock remix
Dino Fingers Ramirez remix
Mad Dogs producer
Ian Wilkie remix
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Free At LastSimonSimon Pearson
2Switch LockFuture FunkJerome Isma-Ae, Marcel Krieg
3Pounds & Penz (Oliver Klein Remix)Corvin DalekAlex Flatner, Corvin Dalek, Noel Pix
4Stretchin'Sven PalzerBaggy Bukaddor, Siggi Wafzig, Sven Palzer
5M.A.A.S.M.E.L.L.O.W. (Plasmatics Remix)Timo MaasAndy Bolleshon, Martin Buttrich, Timo Maas
6Ease The PressureWorld CliqueBaggy Bukaddor, Siggi Wafzig
7The Man With The Red Face (Jan Driver Remix)Laurent GarnierLaurent Garnier
8Boulder DashSven PalzerBaggy Bukaddor, Siggi Wafzig, Sven Palzer
9Dance Naked (James Holden Remix)Aaron-CarlAaron-Carl
10Play (Fast Forward Mix)Neil HimmonsAndy Holt, Michael Park, Neil Himmons
11All Exhale (Futureshock Remix)Luke SlaterLuke Slater
12Spectrum (D.F.R. Remix)Chris DececioChris Dececio
13Better Make Room (James Holden Remix)Mad DogsAndy Bolleshon, Leon Alexander, Martin Buttrich, Timo Maas
14Energizer (Ian Wilkie Remix)Dan MaxamDan Maxam, Denis Gökdag
15Critical FreaksSharpsideNicolas Scaravilli, Psychogene
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