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Album Cover
The Ex
Too Many Cowboys

Album NL 1987 on Ex Records label
Alternative (Punk)

℗ & © 1987 Ron Johnson Music, Ex Records. Too Many Cowboys: Recorded between 16 and 26 October 1986 at: 't Paard - The Hague, Vrije Vloer - Utrecht, Debarak - Zutphen, De Ark - Anna Paulowna) and Emma's Koeienverhuurbedrijf - Amsterdam. Mixed from 12 to 18 January 1987 at Emma's Koeienverhuur. Wie Vermoordde Hans K.?: Recorded in Vanhall on 10 January 1987 during the Gramschap poetry night. Contains a 24-page newspaper and a poster/lyric sheet. Specific artist roles are taken from The Ex website.

PortraitThe Ex , *1979 NL
mixed by, written by, album by, music by
PortraitLuc Ex b, *1958 NL
PortraitKatrin Ex voc, dr,
PortraitTerrie Ex g, eg,
PortraitCobie Laan voc,
PortraitGW Sok voc,
PortraitJohn Van De Weert voc,
PortraitChumbawamba , 1980-2012 GB
lyrics by, music by
PortraitNico Van Apeldoorn ,
lyrics by
PortraitRondos voc, g, b, NL
lyrics by, music by
PortraitBeat Cornaz ,
PortraitKees Van Der Haak ,
Dolf Planteijdt mixed by, recorded by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Too Many CowboysThe Ex
2Red & BlackThe Ex5:47
3White ShirtsThe Ex3:54
4AdversityThe ExChumbawamba0:30
5People AgainThe Ex4:12
6KnockThe Ex2:46
7Hands Up, You're FreeThe Ex3:07
8Butter Or BombsThe ExNico Van Apeldoorn2:54
9IgnoranceThe Ex4:11
10DumboThe Ex3:18
11How Can One Sell The AirThe Ex5:46
12Business As UsualThe Ex5:56
13OlympigsThe Ex4:19
14ChoiceThe ExNico Van Apeldoorn2:58
15A Job / StupidThe Ex2:40
16OopsThe Ex6:32
17No FearThe Ex5:04
18VivisectionThe ExRondos1:20
19A Piece Of PaperThe Ex6:37
20They Shall Not PassThe Ex3:28
21PigjumpThe Ex4:51
22Flexi DiscThe Ex
23Wie Vermoordde Hans K.?Nico Van ApeldoornNico Van Apeldoorn6:42
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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