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Album Cover
Vince Guaraldi
In Person

Album US 1963 on Fantasy label
Jazz (Bossa Nova)

Original Mono "Deep Groove" Pressing with Red Labels that have Silverish Printing

PortraitVince Guaraldi p, 1928-1976 US
piano, album by, written by
PortraitFred Marshall b, *1938 US
PortraitColin Bailey dr, *1934 GB
PortraitEddie Duran g, *1925 US
PortraitBayardo Velarde tim, bgo, 1929-2015 US
scratches, scratcher
PortraitNed Washington , 1901-1976 US
lyrics by
PortraitCharles Grean , US
lyrics by
PortraitMaxine Manners ,
lyrics by
Balzer Shopes Inc. design, cover design
Ralph J. Gleason liner notes
Chas Weckler photography by, cover photo
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1ZelaoVince GuaraldiSérgio Ricardo4:30
2Green Dolphin StreetVince GuaraldiBronislaw Kaper, Ned Washington5:53
3MisirlouVince GuaraldiFred Wise, Milton Leeds4:30
4Forgive Me If I'm LateVince GuaraldiCarlos Lyra, Ronaldo Boscoli2:41
5Jitterbug WaltzVince GuaraldiFats Waller, Charles Grean, Maxine Manners5:32
6Outra VezVince GuaraldiAntonio Carlos Jobim2:53
7FreewayVince GuaraldiVince Guaraldi3:45
8The Love Of A RoseVince GuaraldiAntônio Maria, João Pernambuco2:43
9Chora Tua TristezaVince GuaraldiLuvercy Fiorini, Oscar Castro-Neves3:49
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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