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Album Cover
Ami Aspelund
Yön Jälkeen

Album FI 1976 on Scandia label
Rock and R&B/Soul (Pop Rock, Funk, Disco)

Original songs: A1: Will you Love Me Tomorrow A2: What A Difference A Day Make A3: I Wanted It Too A4: 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 (Blow Your Whistle) A5: Your Kiss Is Sweet A6: I Can See The Sun In Late December A7: When Will I See You Again B1: I'm A Woman B2: Corazón B3: Then Came You B4: Please Mr. Postman B5: Io... Tu B6: You Set My Heart On Fire B7: Jag Går Min Väg

PortraitAmi Aspelund voc, bvoc, *1953 FI
album by
PortraitOlli Heikkilä ,
arranged by
PortraitVexi Salmi , *1942 FI
translated by
PortraitReino Helismaa voc, 1913-1965 FI
translated by
PortraitChrisse Johansson , *1948 FI
translated by
PortraitVeikko Samuli , *1947 FI
arranged by
PortraitMonica Aspelund voc, *1946 FI
translated by
PortraitLeo Länsi , FI
translated by
PortraitEsko Linnavalli p, ep, 1941-1991 FI
arranged by
PortraitPertti Reponen , 1941-1998 FI
translated by
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Yön JälkeenAmi AspelundGoffin And King2:52
2Päivä Kaunein On TullutAmi AspelundMaria Grever3:11
3Mä Halusin NiinAmi AspelundRalph MacDonald, William Salter2:49
4Syöttö Mulla - Pallo SullaAmi AspelundRoger Cook2:46
5SuukkosumaAmi AspelundStevie Wonder, Syreeta Wright3:43
6Auringon Mä NäänAmi AspelundStevie Wonder4:35
7Koska Sun Taas Nähdä SaanAmi AspelundGamble & Huff2:50
8Vain NaisenAmi AspelundLeiber & Stoller3:09
9Sieluni - SydämeniAmi AspelundCarole King4:09
10Tulit VainAmi AspelundPhillip T. Pugh2:45
11Herra PostmanAmi AspelundBrian Holland, Freddie Gorman, Robert Bateman2:30
12Sun Ja MunAmi AspelundAlberto Baldan Bembo3:20
13Rakkauden LiekkiAmi AspelundBiddu3:05
14 En Jaksa EnempääAmi AspelundBo Dahlman3:48

30sec audio samples provided by

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