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Album Cover
Bunny DeBarge
In Love

Album US 1987 on Motown label
Dance (Synth-pop, Disco)

A1 Recorded & Mixed at - Conway Studios, Hollywood, California A2 Recorded at - Criterion Studios, Hollywood, California Mixed at - Post Logic Studios, Hollywood California A3 Recorded & Mixed at - Yamaha International Recording, Glendale California A4 Recorded at - Quantum Sound Studios, New Jersey - Soundcastle, Los Angeles, California Mixed at - Yamaha International Recording, Glendale California B1, B2 Recorded at - Buckman Studio - Garden Rake Studios Mixed at - Can-am Recording B3, B4 Recorded & Mixed at - Sheika Production Studios

PortraitBunny DeBarge voc, *1955
album by, written by, arranged by, vocals
PortraitAaron Zigman , *1963 US
producer, written by, instruments
PortraitJerry Knight bvoc, *1952 US
producer, written by, instruments
PortraitGuy Roche , US
arranged by, keyboards, engineer, producer, written by
PortraitJosh Sklair g,
PortraitDiane Warren , *1956 US
producer, written by
PortraitHoward Benson key, *1956 US
arranged by, keyboards, programmed by
PortraitBashiri Johnson perc, *1955 US
PortraitReggie Lucas g, bvoc, *1953 US
producer, guitar, programmed by, synthesizer
PortraitRobbie Buchanan syn, voc, p, *1957 CA
arranged by, keyboards, drum machine
PortraitDann Huff g, voc, *1960 US
PortraitBobby DeBarge key, bvoc, 1956-1995 US
arranged by, written by
PortraitDenzil Miller , US
arranged by, written by
PortraitRoger LaRocque dr, perc,
percussion, drum machine, linn 9000
PortraitTony Redic ,
electric bass, overdubs
PortraitPaul Jackson Jr. g, *1959 US
electric guitar
PortraitMichael Dorian key,
synthesizer, horns, piano, rhodes, keyboards, synthesizer, bass
PortraitBill Bergman sax, US
alto saxophone, soloist
PortraitPaul Mirkovich voc, key, *1963 US
strings, keyboards, additional
Johnny Lee art direction
Glenn Parsons design
Greg Fulginiti mastered by
Aaron Rapoport photography by
Daren Klein recorded by, mixed by
Mick Guzauski recorded by, mixed by
Bunny DeBarge backing vocals
Dee Dee Bellson backing vocals
Mendy Lee backing vocals
Paul Ericksen engineer
Norman Whitfield Jr. mixed by
Valeria Mayo backing vocals
Keith Cohen engineer, assistant
Barney Perkins producer, engineer, mixed by
Brenda White King backing vocals
Lisa Fischer backing vocals
Norma Jean Wright backing vocals
Michael Carnevale engineer
Jim Gallagher recorded by
Maxi Anderson backing vocals
Voncielle Faggett backing vocals
Frank Wolf engineer
Brian Malouf mixed by
Jay Graydon producer
Robbie Buchanan producer
Galen Senogles producer, recorded by, mixed by
Ralph Benatar producer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Save The Best For MeBunny DeBargeAaron Zigman, Jerry Knight4:34
2Fine LineBunny DeBargeDiane Warren, Guy Roche4:58
3So Good For YouBunny DeBargeJeff Silverman, Nick Trevisick4:24
4Dance All NightBunny DeBargeGalen Senogles, Hazel P. Payne, Lorenzo Pryor, Ralph Benatar4:04
5A Woman In LoveBunny DeBargeBunny DeBarge4:38
6Never Let DieBunny DeBargeBunny DeBarge, Ralph Benatar4:06
7Let's Spend The NightBunny DeBargeBobby DeBarge, Bunny DeBarge, Denzil Miller4:40
8Life SaverBunny DeBargeAaron Zigman, Jerry Knight4:02
9I Still BelieveBunny DeBargeBunny DeBarge, Kathi Pinto, Ralph Benatar4:02
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