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Album Cover
Cæcilie Norby
Cæcilie Norby

Album 1995 on Blue Note label
Jazz (Smooth Jazz)

℗ & © 1995 by EMI - Medley On disc: Made in Holland

PortraitCæcilie Norby voc, *1964 DK
arranged by, producer, associate, album by, written by
PortraitNiels Lan Doky p, *1963 DK
arranged by, piano, producer, written by
PortraitLennart Ginman b, *1960 DK
bass, acoustic
PortraitBilly Hart dr, *1940 US
drums, written by
PortraitJacob Fischer g, *1967 DK
PortraitBen Besiakov p, *1956
organ, piano
PortraitJacob Andersen perc, DK
PortraitLars Jansson p, *1951 SE
PortraitRick Margitza ts, ss, *1961 US
soprano saxophone
PortraitScott Robinson , *1959 US
tenor saxophone
PortraitRandy Brecker tr, fh, *1945 US
trumpet, written by
James Farber mixed by
Hans Nielsen recorded by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Wild Is The WindCæcilie NorbyDimitri Tiomkin, Ned Washington2:45
2A Brand New LifeCæcilie NorbyCæcilie Norby, Randy Brecker4:13
3Girl TalkCæcilie NorbyBobby Troup, Neal Hefti3:51
4I've Been To TownCæcilie NorbyRod McKuen5:21
5SummertimeCæcilie NorbyGeorge & Ira Gershwin4:56
6By The Time I Get To PhoenixCæcilie NorbyJimmy Webb3:23
7All You Could Ever WantCæcilie NorbyChick Corea, Cæcilie Norby4:37
8Gentle Is My LoveCæcilie NorbyBill Schluger, Don Raye2:28
9A Feather In The WindCæcilie NorbyBilly Hart, Cæcilie Norby4:47
10Night RoadCæcilie NorbyNiels Lan Doky, Tamra Rosanes4:53
11Man's Got SoulCæcilie NorbyCurtis Mayfield4:40
12So It IsCæcilie NorbyCæcilie Norby, Don Grolnick2:56
External Links
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