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Album Cover
Do Or Die
Headz Or Tailz

Album US 1998 on Neighborhood Watch Records label
Hip-Hop/Rap (Gangsta)

"Pimpology" contains a sample from "Whatever You Want" written by D. Wiggins & C. Wheeler, used courtesy of PolyGram International Publishing, Inc. o/b/o itself & Tony, Toni, Tone Music & "I'd Rather Be With You" written by W. Collins, G. Clinton, G. Cooper used courtesy of Songs of PolyGram International, Inc. "Nobody's Home" embodies portions of "Make Me Say It Again Girl", written by The Isley Brothers & Chris Jasper, published by EMI April, Inc./Bovina Music Inc. "Can I" contains an interpolation of "50 Candles" written by S. Stockman, T. Kelly, B. Robinso, published by Shawn Patrick Publishing/Ensign Music Corp./Butte Jinx Music/Time For Flyte's Music (BMI).

PortraitDo Or Die , *1995
album by
PortraitDanny Boy voc, *1977 US
PortraitJohnny P. bvoc,
PortraitTwista voc, *1973 US
PortraitBeyond Content ,
PortraitVal Young bvoc, *1962 US
PortraitMike Dean b, g,
producer, written by
PortraitShock Tha World ,
PortraitChilla ,
PortraitScarface g, US
PortraitBushwick Bill , *1966 US
Barrencia Marcee art direction
Lisa Browne art direction
Donavin "Kid Styles" Murray art direction, photography
Hid-E Us Design design
Mike Dean engineer, mastered by, mixed by
Legendary Traxster engineer, mixed by, producer
Mr. Lee engineer, mixed by, producer
J Prince executive-producer
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1HeadzDo Or Die3:00
2Just BallinDo Or Die4:51
3PimpologyDo Or DieBootsy Collins, Carl Wheeler, Dwayne Wiggins, Eric Baker, Gary Mudbone Cooper, George Clinton, Raphael Wiggins, Timothy Christian Riley4:14
4Lil Sum SumDo Or Die4:29
5Nobody's HomeDo Or DieChris Jasper, Ernie Isley, Marvin Isley, O'Kelly Isley, Ronald Isley, Rudolph Isley5:06
6Still Po Pimpin'Do Or DieCarl Mitchell4:00
7All In The ClubDo Or Die4:40
8Can IDo Or DieBob Robinson, Shawn Stockman, Tim Kelley4:31
9Choppin Up That PaperDo Or DieMike Dean4:08
10Gangsta ShitDo Or Die2:39
11Bustin BackDo Or DieCharles Paxton4:57
12Ultimate ShutdownDo Or Die3:50
13Who Am IDo Or DieBrad Jordan5:42
14 Caine HouseDo Or Die4:32
15 Under SurveillanceDo Or Die4:27
16 Dead Or AliveDo Or Die4:47
17 TailzDo Or Die1:51

30sec audio samples provided by

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