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Album Cover
Joe Marsala, Etta Jones
Greenwich Village Jazz

Compil. US 1989 on Pickwick label
Jazz and Blues (Swing, Vocal)

All selections originally recorded for various Black & White 78 rpm discs in 1944 & 1945.

PortraitJoe Marsala cl, 1907-1978 US
album by, written by
PortraitEtta Jones voc, 1928-2001 US
vocals, album by
PortraitBilly Taylor Sr. b, 1906-1986 US
acoustic bass
PortraitIrv Lang b, US
acoustic bass
PortraitGeorgie Auld ts, 1919-1990 US
alto saxophone, tenor saxophone
PortraitJoe Marsala Sextet ,
band, clarinet
PortraitBarney Bigard cl, 1906-1980 US
PortraitBuddy Christian bj, 1885-1958 US
PortraitStan Levey dr, 1926-2005 US
PortraitChuck Wayne g, 1923-1997 US
guitar, written by
PortraitAdele Girard hrp, 1913-1993 US
PortraitBarney Bigard And His Orchestra ,
PortraitJoe Marsala And His Orchestra ,
PortraitCharlie Queener p, 1921-1997 US
PortraitCliff Jackson p, 1902-1970 US
PortraitLeonard Feather p, 1914-1994 GB
piano, written by
PortraitDizzy Gillespie tr, 1917-1993 US
PortraitJoe Thomas tr, 1909-1984 US
PortraitLinda Keene ,
John Berg design
Dan Morgenstern liner notes
Michael Brooks producer
Mike Berniker producer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1RomanceJoe MarsalaWalter Donaldson3:55
2Zero HourJoe MarsalaChuck Wayne3:48
3Joe-Joe JumpJoe MarsalaJoe Marsala4:05
4Don't Let It EndJoe MarsalaJoe Marsala3:51
5Unlucky Woman BluesJoe MarsalaLeonard Feather4:06
6Blues In The StormJoe MarsalaLeonard Feather4:44
7My Melancholy BabyJoe MarsalaErnie Burnett, George A. Norton, Maybelle E. Watson2:54
8CherokeeJoe MarsalaRay Noble2:50
9PerdidoJoe MarsalaErvin Drake, Hans Lengsfelder, Juan Tizol2:48
10On The AlamoJoe MarsalaGus Kahn, Isham Jones, Joe Lyons2:50
11Blow Top BluesEtta JonesJane Feather, Leonard Feather2:34
12Salty Papa BluesEtta JonesJane Feather, Leonard Feather2:55
13Long, Long, JourneyEtta JonesLeonard Feather2:48
14Evil Gal BluesEtta JonesLeonard Feather, Lionel Hampton2:54
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