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Album Cover
A Bientôt Les Amis

Album NL 1969 on Palette label
Rock, Pop and Soundtrack (Pop Rock, Chanson, Soundtrack)

"Il Ne Faut Pas Pousser Grand'mère Dans Orties" is incorrectly split into two tracks on the back of the LP cover

PortraitKiki ,
album by
PortraitJack Say , 1922-2017 BE
producer, arranged by, written by
Harry Van Zijl artwork
Roger Verbestel engineer
Herman Selleslags photography by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Il Ne Faut Pas Pousser Grand'mère Dans OrtiesKikiJack Say, Jean Cervin
2Chick BillKikiJack Say, Jean Cervin
3Les GrenouillesKikiJack Say, Jean Cervin, René Anser
4Chapeau Fred AstaireKikiJack Say, Jean Cervin
5La Légende Du Petit Sapin (The Little Pine Tree)KikiDavid Denoon, Jack Say, Jean Cervin, Robert Maxwell
6Protestation-ContestationKikiJack Say, Jean Cervin
7Kiki À L’OpéraKikiJack Say, Jean Cervin
8Le Mini-Minimum (Extrait Du Film "Les Livre De La Jungle") (The Bare Necessities)KikiEddy Marnay, Terry Gilkyson
9Y’a Pas De Quoi En Fouetter Un ChatKikiJack Say, Jean Cervin, René Anser
10Ah Vous Dirais-Je MamanKikiJack Say, Jean Cervin
11L'HippopotameKikiJack Say, Jean Cervin
12En Avant... ArcheKikiJack Say, Jean Cervin
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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