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Album Cover
Los Muchachos Locos
Bongos Featuring Los Muchachos Locos

Album US 1960 on Grand Award Records label
Jazz and Pop (Easy Listening)

PortraitLos Muchachos Locos ,
album by
PortraitRay Barretto cng, 1929-2006 US
PortraitWillie Rodriguez bgo, perc,
Enoch Light producer, produced and originated by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1In My SolitudeLos Muchachos LocosDuke Ellington, Eddie Delange, Irving Mills2:50
2Love Walked InLos Muchachos LocosGeorge Gershwin2:52
3Get Out Of TownLos Muchachos LocosCole Porter2:50
4Cocktails For TwoLos Muchachos LocosArthur Johnston, Sam Coslow2:51
5ShadrackLos Muchachos LocosRobert MacGimsey3:00
6Just A GigoloLos Muchachos LocosLeonello Casucci3:00
7Stormy WeatherLos Muchachos LocosHarold Arlen, Ted Koehler3:37
8Night And DayLos Muchachos LocosCole Porter2:38
9You Turned The Tables On MeLos Muchachos LocosLouis Alter, Sidney Mitchell2:38
10Pagan Love SongLos Muchachos LocosArthur Freed, Nacio Herb Brown3:23
11And The Angels SingLos Muchachos LocosJohnny Mercer, Ziggy Elman2:38
12SummertimeLos Muchachos LocosDuBose Heyward, George Gershwin3:04
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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