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Album Cover
Roland Cedermark
Spelar Elvis Och Annat Svängigt

Album SE 2008 on Mariann label
Pop, Folk, World and (Nordic, Schlager)

Track selection differs from the original vinyl release. 1. Intersong-Förlagen AB 2. Intersong-Förlagen 3. Peer Music 4. (Kompositör okänd) 5. Nils Georgs Musikförlag 6. Mariann Music AB 7. Ehrlingförlagen AB 8. Reuter & Reuter 9. Intersong-Förlagen AB 10. Intersong-Förlagen AB 11. Intersong-Förlagen AB 12. Intersong-Förlagen AB 13. Warner Chappel Printed by Sib-Tryck, Norsborg Inspelad under våren 1983 i KMH studio, Stockholm Produktion: KM Records AB Made by dcm

PortraitRoland Cedermark acc, *1938 SE
album by, arranged by
PortraitKjell Johansson b, voc, bj,
musician, banjo
PortraitMats Englund b, *1953 SE
musician, bass
PortraitRoger Palm dr, *1949 SE
musician, drums
PortraitHasse Rosén g, SE
musician, guitar, dobro, producer, arranged by
Kenth Cleverborn
musician, mandolin
PortraitKjell Öhman p, org, 1949-2015 SE
musician, piano, electric piano, synthesizer, moog
PortraitFred Fisher , 1875-1942 DE
written by, uncredited
PortraitGeorge Brown p, vn, 1899-1940 US
written by, uncredited
PortraitWilliam Raskin , 1896-1942 US
written by, uncredited
Frecklebox design, cover design
Lennart Karlsmyr engineer
Anders Östlund photography by
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Don't Be CruelRoland CedermarkElvis Presley, Otis Blackwell1:38
2Love Me TenderRoland CedermarkElvis Presley, Vera Matson3:17
3Kiss Me QuickRoland CedermarkPomus-Shuman2:50
4That's When Your Heartaches BeginRoland CedermarkFred Fisher, George Brown, William Raskin2:55
5It's A Sin To Tell A LieRoland CedermarkBilly Mayhew1:57
6La PalomaRoland CedermarkTraditional4:33
7Heartbreak HotelRoland CedermarkElvis Presley, Mae Boren Axton, Tommy Durden2:45
8A Dear John Letter (Käre John)Roland CedermarkBilly Barton, Fuzzy Owen, Lewis Talley2:51
9Teddy BearRoland CedermarkBernie Lowe, Kal Mann1:56
10O Sole Mio (It's Now Or Never)Roland CedermarkAaron Schroeder, Wally Gold3:48
11Wear My Ring Around Your NeckRoland CedermarkBert Carroll, Russell Moody2:32
12 Loving YouRoland CedermarkLeiber & Stoller3:02
13 I Really Don't Want To KnowRoland CedermarkDon Robertson, Howard Barnes2:47

30sec audio samples provided by

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