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Album Cover
Ted Heath
Big Band Percussion & Big Band Bash

Compil. US 1999 on Universal Music Special Markets label
Jazz and Latin (Big Band, Easy Listening)

PortraitTed Heath tb, 1902-1969 GB
album by
PortraitLorenz Hart , 1895-1943 US
lyrics by
PortraitJohnny Mercer voc, 1909-1976 US
lyrics by
PortraitMarion Sunshine , 1894-1963 US
lyrics by
PortraitWolfe Gilbert , 1886-1970 RU
lyrics by
PortraitBilly Rose man, bj, g, 1899-1966 US
lyrics by
PortraitEdward Eliscu , 1902-1998 US
lyrics by
PortraitBuddy Bernier , 1910-1983 US
lyrics by
PortraitDuBose Heyward , 1885-1940 US
lyrics by
PortraitIra Gershwin voc, 1896-1983 US
lyrics by
PortraitIrving Mills voc, 1894-1985 US
lyrics by
PortraitRoy Turk , 1892-1934 US
lyrics by
PortraitJerry Ross voc, 1926-1955 US
lyrics by
PortraitEdward Heyman , 1907-1981 US
lyrics by
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Big Band PercussionTed Heath
2Johnny One NoteTed HeathLorenz Hart
3Blues In The NightTed HeathJohnny Mercer
4Peanut VendorTed HeathMarion Sunshine, Wolfe Gilbert
5More Than You KnowTed HeathBilly Rose, Edward Eliscu
6PoincianaTed HeathBuddy Bernier
7Drum CrazyTed HeathIrving Berlin
8Taking A Chance On LoveTed HeathBilly Rose, Edward Eliscu
9It Ain't Necessarily SoTed HeathDuBose Heyward, Ira Gershwin
10DaddyTed HeathBobby Troup
11Mood IndigoTed HeathIrving Mills
12Thou SwellTed HeathLorenz Hart
13But Not For MeTed HeathLorenz Hart
14Big Band BashTed Heath
15HindustanTed HeathHarold Weeks, Oliver Wallace
16A-Tisket A-TasketTed HeathElla Fitzgerald, Van Alexander
17I Don't No WhyTed HeathRoy Turk
18CapuccinaTed HeathNicola Salerno, Noel Sherman, Pino Massara, Vito Pallavicini
19Hernando's HideawayTed HeathJerry Ross
20CherokeeTed HeathRay Noble
21Harlem NocturneTed HeathEarle Hagen, Richard Rodgers
22Sabre DanceTed HeathAram Khatchaturian
23In A Persian MarketTed HeathAlbert W. Ketelbey, George David Weiss, Hugo Peretti, Luigi Creatore
24Clopin-ClopantTed HeathBruno Coquatrix, Pierre Dudan
25Out Of NowhereTed HeathEdward Heyman
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