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Album Cover

Album US 2010 on 143 Records label
Hip-Hop/Rap and Pop (RnB/Swing)

PortraitCharice bvoc, *1992 PH
album by
Esther Somlo
a&r, marketing
Marjan Malakpour
design, styling
PortraitEdward Shapiro ,
legal, legal representation
PortraitKenny Meiselas ,
legal, legal representation
Clyde Haygood
other, hair
Donald Simrock
other, makeup
PortraitJohan Alkenäs ,
written by, arranged by, strings, piano, written by, arranged by, strings
PortraitIyaz voc, *1987 VG
PortraitDicky Daniel Klein ,
instruments, all
PortraitJohannes Jørgensen ,
instruments, all, written by
PortraitTim McEwan voc, *1979 DK
keyboards, additional
PortraitMartin M. Larsson , DK
mixed by, keyboards, additional
PortraitLars Jensen fl, voc, DK
percussion, additional
PortraitMr. Fantastic ,
producer, vocals
PortraitObi & Josh ,
programmed by
PortraitAdam Nierow ,
recorded by, written by
PortraitPeter Habib ,
recorded by, written by
PortraitClaude Kelly bvoc, US
backing vocals, written by
PortraitDorian Crozier dr, *1972 US
drums, engineer, additional
PortraitDavid Foster syn, frh, *1949 CA
producer, piano, keyboards, written by, arranged by, strings, producer, arranged by, keyboards
PortraitEmanuel Kiriakou g, *1966 US
producer, recorded by, piano, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, written by
PortraitBrian Seals , US
producer, keyboards, programmed by, written by
PortraitScott Cutler g, US
producer, recorded by, written by
PortraitAnne Preven voc, *1965 US
producer, written by
PortraitCheche Alara p, vib,
PortraitKlaus Derendorf , US
producer, programmed by, engineer, instruments, all, written by
PortraitJosh Alexander , US
producer, recorded by, keyboards, guitar, programmed by, written by, edited by, digital
PortraitBilly Steinberg voc, g, *1950 US
producer, written by
PortraitScott Roewe b,
technician, logic and pro tools tech
PortraitDean Parks g, *1947 US
guitar, acoustic guitar
PortraitJeff Pescetto voc, US
backing vocals, producer, vocals
PortraitJochem Van Der Saag ,
producer, arranged by, mixed by, instruments, all other, producer, engineer, mixed by, drum programming, synthesizer, sound designer
PortraitBill Whittington , US
engineer, protools
PortraitJeff Silverman ,
engineer, protools
PortraitSteve Diamond , US
producer, written by, producer, vocals, arranged by, vocals
PortraitSebastian Thott , SE
producer, keyboards, drum programming, written by
PortraitJohn Van Nest ep,
recorded by, vocals
PortraitGrant Nicholas , US
PortraitDrew Ryan Scott voc, US
producer, vocals
PortraitTwin ,
producer, producer, vocals
PortraitNita Whitaker voc, bvoc, *1959 US
directed by, choir
PortraitJorge Vivo ,
recorded by, choir
Katherine Frangetis-Tempesta a&r, assistant
Ellen Wakayama art direction
Julian Peploe Studio art direction, design
David Foster executive-producer
Jaymes Foster-Levy executive-producer
Marc Johnston management
Tom Coyne mastered by
George Holz photography by
Tommy Page remix, a&r, additional
Brian Sumner engineer
Jaycen Joshua mixed by
Giancarlo Lino mixed by, assistant
Alke producer
Twin producer
Heidi Degn backing vocals
Nadia Gattas backing vocals
Deekay producer
Pat Thrall edited by, digital
Charice backing vocals
Ravaughn Brown backing vocals
Sean Tallman recorded by
Brian Paturalski engineer
Joshua Smith engineer, assistant
Manny Marroquin mixed by
Christian Plata mixed by, assistant
Erik Madrid mixed by, assistant
Donnie Meadows coordinator, production
Tanisha Broadwater coordinator, production
Dave Pensado mixed by
Andrew Wansel producer
Oak producer
Warren Felder recorded by
Tavia Ivey backing vocals, additional
Chris Garcia edited by, digital
Missi Hale backing vocals
Rob Chiarelli mixed by
Ina Williams backing vocals
AJ Nunez mixed by, assistant
Chris Judge producer
Ty Knox producer, associate
Brian Gardner mastered by
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1PyramidChariceJohan Alkenäs, Drew Scott, Emil Svensson, Joachim Persson, Lyrica Anderson, Niclas Molinder3:56
2ResetChariceAdam Nierow, Peter Habib, Johannes Jørgensen4:22
3In This SongChariceClaude Kelly, David Foster, Emanuel Kiriakou3:36
4Nobody's Singin' To MeChariceScott Cutler, Anne Preven, Brian Seals3:38
5Thank YouChariceKlaus Derendorf, Tom Leonard4:16
6I Love YouChariceKate Akhurst, Vince Pizzinga3:05
7In Love So DeepChariceJosh Alexander, Billy Steinberg4:08
8All That I Need To SurviveChariceCarole Bayer Sager, Jörgen Elofsson4:05
9NothingChariceSteve Diamond, Sebastian Thott, Didrik Thott3:50
10The Truth IsChariceAlexander James, Allan Rich, Carsten Lindberg, Jud Friedman3:22
11Did It For YouChariceJohan Alkenäs, Geraldine Tedder, Joachim Persson, Niclas Molinder, Ryan Tedder3:43
12 Note To GodChariceDiane Warren3:59

30sec audio samples provided by

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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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Charice - Charice PH 2008 R&B/Soul and Pop
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