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Album Cover
Paul Whiteman And His Orchestra
Paul Whiteman & His Orchestra Volume 1

Compil. NL on Grannyphone label
Jazz (Dixieland, Swing, Big Band)

Produced in close copperation with Sonclair Nederland V.O.F. Individual Track Recording Info : Track A1 : Recorded in New York, 21 October 1921 - Matrix B 25664-4 Track A2 : Recorded in New York, 23 August 1922 - Matrix B 26733-4 Track A3 : Recorded in New York, 2 November 1922 - Matrix B 27111-4 Track A4 : Recorded in New York, 21 February 1923 - Matrix B 27611-4 Track A5 : Recorded in New York, 1 March 1923 - Matrix B 27633-4 Track A6 : Recorded in New York, 4 September 1923 - Matrix B 28529-3 Track A7 : Recorded in New York, 29 October 1923 - Matrix B 28712-8 Track A8 : Recorded in New York, 11 January 1924 - Matrix B 29304-3 Track B1 : Recorded in New York, 22 January 1924 - Matrix B 29335-3 (? B 29335-2) Track B2 : Recorded in New York, 1 February 1924 - Matrix B 29375-4 Track B3 : Recorded in New York, 9 June 1924 - Matrix B 30172-3 Track B4 : Recorded in New York, 2 September 1924 - Matrix B 30688-1 Track B5 : Recorded in New York, 5 September 1924 - Matrix B 30698-1 Track B6 : Recorded in Camden, N.J., 6 May 1925 - Matrix BVE 32573-4 Track B7 : Recorded in New York, 1 September 1925 - Matrix BVE 33331-7 Track B8 : Recorded in New York, 16 September 1925 - Matrix BVE 33385-3

PortraitPaul Whiteman And His Orchestra , US
album by
PortraitMario Perry ,
accordion, strings
PortraitMike Pingitore bj, 1888-1952 US
Al Armer
brass bass
John Sperzel
brass bass
Sammy Heiss
brass bass
PortraitHarry Coster ,
compilation producer, transferred by, sleeve, design
PortraitGeorge Marsh dr,
PortraitHarold McDonald dr, US
PortraitFerde Grofé p, 1892-1972 US
piano, written by
PortraitHarry Perella p, US
PortraitRay Turner p, US
PortraitWillard Robison voc, p, 1894-1968 US
piano, written by
PortraitCharles Strickfaden sax, ob, 1900-1981 US
PortraitChester Hazlett sax, cl, 1891-1974 US
PortraitDon Clark sax,
E. Lyle Sharpe
PortraitEd Stannard sax, as, US
PortraitHale Byers ,
PortraitRoss Gorman sax,
PortraitAustin Young voc,
Charles Gaylord
PortraitFred Cook voc, vn,
PortraitPaul Whiteman tr, vn, 1890-1967 US
Jim Cassidy
Roy Maxon
PortraitSam Lewis , *1897
PortraitWilbur Hall g, tb, 1894-1983 US
Frank D. Siegrist
PortraitHenry Busse tr, 1894-1955 DE
trumpet, written by
PortraitAlbert Campbell voc, *1872 US
PortraitBilly Murray voc, 1877-1954 US
PortraitFrank Croxton voc, US
PortraitJohn H. Meyer voc, b, US
PortraitMilton Ager p, 1893-1979 US
written by, uncredited
PortraitElliott Shaw voc, US
PortraitLewis James voc, 1892-1959 US
PortraitWilfred Glenn voc, b,
Herman Openneer compilation producer
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1Everybody StepPaul Whiteman And His OrchestraIrving Berlin
2ChicagoPaul Whiteman And His OrchestraFred Fisher
3Pack Up Your SinsPaul Whiteman And His OrchestraIrving Berlin
4'Way Down 'Yonder In New OrleansPaul Whiteman And His OrchestraHenry Creamer, Turner Layton
5Nothin' ButPaul Whiteman And His OrchestraFerde Grofé, Henry Busse, Samuel Ward
6Last Night On The Back PorchPaul Whiteman And His OrchestraCarl Schraubstader, Lew Brown
7Mama Loves PapaPaul Whiteman And His OrchestraAbel Baer, Cliff Friend
8Learn To Do The StrutPaul Whiteman And His OrchestraIrving Berlin
9Limehouse BluesPaul Whiteman And His OrchestraPhilip Braham
10Why Did I Kiss That Girl ?Paul Whiteman And His OrchestraLew Brown, Ray Henderson, Robert King
11SanPaul Whiteman And His OrchestraLindsay McPhail, Walter Michels
12Hard Hearted Hannah (The Vamp Of Savannah)Paul Whiteman And His OrchestraCharles Bates, Jack Yellen, Robert Wilcox Bigelow, Milton Ager
13Doo Wacka DooPaul Whiteman And His OrchestraClarence Gaskill, George Horther, Will Donaldson
14Ah-Ha !Paul Whiteman And His OrchestraJames V. Monaco
15The Rhythm RagPaul Whiteman And His OrchestraWillard Robison
16CharlestonettePaul Whiteman And His OrchestraFred Rose
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