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Album Cover
Nat King Cole
Love Is The Thing

Album US 1957 on Capitol Records label
Pop (Easy Listening)

Grey Capitol label Long Playing - High Fidelity Cat # W-824 appears on the labels. Cat # W824 appears on the spine and rear cover, top-right.

PortraitNat King Cole voc, p, 1919-1965 US
album by
PortraitGordon Jenkins p, 1910-1984 US
arranged by, conductor, written by
PortraitMitchell Parish , 1900-1993 US
written by, lyrics
PortraitHoagy Carmichael voc, p, 1899-1981 US
written by, music
PortraitMack Gordon , 1904-1959 US
written by, lyrics
PortraitHarry Revel , 1905-1958 US
written by, music
PortraitCarl Sigman , 1909-2000 US
written by, lyrics
PortraitCharles Dawes p, 1865-1951 US
written by, music
PortraitJack Segal p, 1918-2005 US
written by, lyrics
PortraitMarvin Fisher , US
written by, music
PortraitNed Washington , 1901-1976 US
written by, lyrics
PortraitVictor Young vn, 1900-1956 US
written by, music
Jim Jonson illustration
Album Tracks
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1When I Fall In LoveNat King ColeEdward Heyman, Victor Young
2StardustNat King ColeMitchell Parish, Hoagy Carmichael
3Stay As Sweet As You AreNat King ColeMack Gordon, Harry Revel
4Where Can I Go Without You?Nat King ColePeggy Lee, Victor Young
5Maybe It's Because I Love You Too MuchNat King ColeIrving Berlin
6Love LettersNat King ColeEdward Heyman, Victor Young
7Ain't Misbehavin'Nat King ColeAndy Razaf, Fats Waller, Harry Brooks
8I Thought About MarieNat King ColeGordon Jenkins
9At LastNat King ColeHarry Warren, Mack Gordon
10It's All In The GameNat King ColeCarl Sigman, Charles Dawes
11When Sunny Get's BlueNat King ColeJack Segal, Marvin Fisher
12Love Is The ThingNat King ColeNed Washington, Victor Young
External Links
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To all the music fans that are contributing on Discogs, MusicBrainz and Wikipedia. Thanks to Franz Flückiger for providing Storygram used to visualize band membership.
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Nat King Cole - Love is the Thing JP 2010 Pop
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