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Album Cover
Céline Dion
All The Way... A Decade Of Song

Compil. CA 1999 on Columbia label
Pop (Vocal, Ballad)

(C) 1999 Sony Music Entertainment (Canada) Inc. (P) 1990, 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999 Sony Music Entertainment (Canada) Inc. Made in Canada 1: EMI Songs Musikverlag (GEMA) / EMI April Music Inc. (ASCAP) Produced for Chartmaker Inc. Recorded at The Enterprise, Ground Control, Record Plant Mixed for Hum Inc. Productions Mixed at Record Plant, L.A. 2: Realsongs (ASCAP) Recorded at Criterion Studios, Village Recorders, Music Grinder, Ocean Way Studios Mixed at Can Am Studios 3: Walt Disney Music Company (ASCAP) / Wonderland Music Company, Inc. (BMI) Recorded at The Plant Recording Studios, Sausalito, CA. Vocals Recorded at The Power Station, N.Y. Mixed at Record Plant, L.A. 4: Realsongs / Touchstone Pictures Music & Songs, Inc. (ASCAP) Produced and Arranged for Chartmaker Inc. Lead Vocal recorded for Hum Inc. Productions Recorded at Chartmaker Studios, Capitol Studios, Rumbo Recorders Mixed for Hum Inc. Productions Mixed at Record Plant 5: Lost Boys Music (BMI) Recorded at The Hit Factory, NYC 6: Realsongs (ASCAP) Recorded and Mixed at Cove City Sound Studios, Long Island, NY 7: Peermusic Ltd. on behalf of One Four Three Music (BMI) / Universal-MCA Music Publishing, a div. of Universal Studios, Inc. / Boozetunes (ASCAP) Produced for Chartmaker Inc. Recorded at Chartmaker Studios, L.A., Record Plant L.A. Mixed for Hum Inc. Productions Mixed at Record Plant L.A. 8: Famous Music Corp., on behalf of TCF Music Publishing, Inc. (ASCAP) / Irving Music, Inc. on behalf of Blue Sky Rider Songs / Ensign Music Corp. on behalf of Fox Film Music Corporation (BMI) Recorded at Wallyworld CA, The Hit Factory, N.Y. Mixed for Hum Inc. Productions Mixed at The Hit Factory, N.Y. 9: Zomba Songs Inc. / R. Kelly Publishing, Inc., admin. by Zomba Songs Inc. (BMI) Recorded at Battery Studios, Chicago; Le Studio Morin-Heights; Chicago Recording Co.; Cove City Sound Studios, L.I., New York; The Dream Factory, NYC; Right Track Studios, NYC; Nervious Music, NYC; Hit Factory, N.Y. Mixed for Hum Inc. Productions Mixed at The Hit Factory, N.Y. R. Kelly appears courtesy of Jive Records 10: Produced for Cheiron Productions Recorded and mixed at Cheiron Studios, Stockholm, Sweden Lead vocal recorded at Paradise Sounds, FL © 1999 Zomba Enterprises, Inc. / Grantsville Publishing Ltd. All rights administered by Zomba Enterprises, Inc. (ASCAP) 11: Shania Twain appears courtesy of Mercury Records © 1995 Out Of Pocket Productions Ltd. All rights administered by Zomba Enterprises, Inc. (ASCAP) for the U.S. and Canada. 12: Produced and Arranged for Chartmaker Inc. Recorded at Chartmaker Studios, L.A., Paradise Sounds, FL Mixed at Record Plant, L.A. © 1962 Stormking Music, Inc. (BMI) 13: Arranged for Chartmaker Inc. Recorded at Chartmaker Studios, L.A., Paradise Sounds, FL Mixed at Record Plant © 1957 (Renewed) Maraville Music Corp. (ASCAP) 14: Produced for Chartmaker, Inc. Recorded at FLM Studios L.A., Todd-AO L.A., Paradise Sounds, FL Mixed at Record Plant © 1999 Touchstone Music & Songs Inc. / Horner Music / New Columbia Pictures, Inc. (ASCAP). All rights on behalf of New Columbia Pictures, Inc. administered by Sony / ATV Tunes LLC / Blue Sky Rider Songs, all rights administered by Irving Music, Inc. / Buena Vista Music Co. / Colpix Music, Inc. (BMI). All rights on behalf of Colpix Music, Inc. administered by Sony / ATV Songs LLC. 15: Recorded at The Record Plant, Los Angeles, CA Recorded at the Hit Factory in New York City Vocals recorded at Paradise Sounds, West Palm Beach, FL Mixed at The Record Plant, Los Angeles, CA © 1999 Realsongs (ASCAP) 16: Arranged for Chartmaker Inc. Recorded at Chartmaker Studios, L.A., Paradise Sounds FL Mixed at Record Plant, L.A. © 1999 Blue Sky Rider Songs, all rights administered by Irving Music, Inc. (BMI) / Luc Plamondon Éditeur / Boventoon BV / Talent Music BV

PortraitCéline Dion bvoc, voc, *1968 CA
album by, performer
PortraitJamie Young ,
PortraitZiffren, Brittenham & Branca ,
PortraitDavid Foster syn, frh, *1949 CA
arranged by, keyboards, arranged by, backing vocals, written by
PortraitMichael Thompson g, *1954 US
guitar, electric guitar
PortraitClaude Gaudette , US
keyboards, additional, programmed by
PortraitSimon Franglen syn, *1963 GB
programmed by, synclavier, arranged by, keyboards, programmed by, synth
PortraitGuy Roche , US
arranged by, synth
PortraitJohn Robinson dr, perc, *1954
PortraitWalter Afanasieff key, p, *1958 US
acoustic guitar, arranged by, arranged by, orchestral, bass, keyboards, programmed by, rhythm, programmed by, synclavier, synth
PortraitRobbie Buchanan syn, voc, p, *1957 CA
arranged by
PortraitHoward Ashman voc, 1950-1991 US
lyrics by
PortraitJoel Peskin sax, US
oboe, electric
PortraitPeabo Bryson voc, bvoc, *1951 US
PortraitCarl Carwell bvoc, voc,
arranged by, backing vocals
PortraitSue Ann Carwell bvoc, voc, US
arranged by, backing vocals
PortraitJon Avnet ,
executive-producer, for up close & personal
PortraitHumberto Gatica , *1951 US
recorded by, lead vocal, engineer, lead vocals, recorded by, lead vocals, recorded by, vocals
PortraitJeff Bova key, syn, *1953 US
arranged by, keyboards, programmed by
PortraitJim Steinman key, voc, *1947 US
arranged by, written by
PortraitJimmy Bralower dr, perc, US
arranged by, drums, percussion
PortraitSteve Buslowe , US
PortraitKenny Aronoff dr, *1953 US
drums, additional
PortraitRoy Bittan p, key, *1949 US
grand piano
PortraitTim Pierce g, *1959 US
PortraitEddie Martinez g, ts, voc, US
guitar, additional
PortraitBashiri Johnson perc, *1955 US
percussion, additional
PortraitRic Wake voc, US
arranged by
PortraitRich Tancredi key, US
arranged by
PortraitKryzler & Kompany , JP
arranged by, guest
PortraitYoshinobu Takeshita b, cb, syn, *1967 JP
bass, programmed by, computer
PortraitFelipe Elgueta ,
programmed by, programmed by, synth, synth, programming
PortraitTsuneyoshi Saito key,
PortraitTaro Hakase vn, *1968 JP
PortraitDan Shea , US
computer, programming, drum programming, drum and rhythm programming, keyboards, synthesizer, synth bass
PortraitWilliam Ross , *1948 US
conductor, orchestrated by, arranged by, strings
PortraitPaul Peabody vn, US
fiddle, irish
PortraitDann Huff g, voc, *1960 US
PortraitEmilie Charlap ,
other, orchestra contractor
PortraitTony Hinnigan fl, vc,
tin whistle, pennywhistle
PortraitR. Kelly voc, str, *1967 US
arranged by, vocals, vocals, duet, written by
PortraitRob Mathes , *1970 US
arranged by, orchestra, conductor
PortraitLafayette Carthon ,
conductor, choir, conductor, vocals, keyboards, additional
PortraitLoris Holland syn, key, US
conductor, choir, conductor, vocals, keyboards, additional, organ
PortraitSteve Skinner key, dr, US
PortraitStephen George dr, US
programmed by
PortraitTony Black voc, s-g, US
programmed by
PortraitTomas Lindberg b, voc, SE
PortraitEsbjörn Öhrwall g, eg, *1970 SE
PortraitKristian Lundin , *1973 SE
keyboards, programmed by
PortraitMax Martin , *1971 SE
keyboards, programmed by
PortraitJacques Saugy ,
PortraitOlle Romo dr, GB
programmed by
PortraitRichard Meyer voc, acg, perc,
programmed by
PortraitDean Parks g, *1947 US
guitar, acoustic guitar
PortraitJeremy Lubbock str, acg, US
arranged by, strings
PortraitJames Horner key, 1953-2015 US
arranged by, orchestrated by, written by
PortraitMatt Serletic voc, US
arranged by
PortraitLeland Sklar b, *1947 US
PortraitAndy Haller , US
engineer, 2nd
PortraitJon Gilutin syn, key,
keyboards, piano
PortraitLuis Conte perc, *1954 CU
PortraitTal Herzberg b, eb, 1969-2010 US
transferred by
Maya Panvell a&r, coordinators
Terry Chiazza a&r, coordinators
Nancy Donald art direction
John Doelp executive-producer
Vito Luprano executive-producer
René Angélil management, producer
Vlado Meller mastered by
Humberto Gatica mixed by, engineer, recorded by, engineer, mixed, producer
Kristian Lundin mixed by, producer, recorded by
Max Martin mixed by, backing vocals, producer, recorded by
André Rau photography
David Reitzas engineer
Bill Leonard engineer, assistant
Erich Baron engineer, assistant
Fred Kelly engineer, assistant
David Foster producer
Jean McClain backing vocals
Larry Jacobs backing vocals
Terry Wood backing vocals
Frank Wolf engineer
Guy Roche engineer, producer
Mario Luccy engineer
Casey McMackin engineer, assistant
Chris Fogel engineer, assistant
Noel Hazen engineer, assistant
Van Coppock engineer, assistant
Brian Malouf mixed by
Patrick MacDougall recorded by, mixes
Dana Jon Chappelle engineer, mixed by
Kyle Bess engineer, assistant, mixed by, assistant
Manny Lacarrubba engineer, assistant
Matthew "Boomer" Lamonica engineer, assistant
Walter Afanasieff producer
Alanna Capps backing vocals
Alex Brown backing vocals
Bridgette Bryant backing vocals
Carl Carwell backing vocals
Kofi backing vocals
Maxayn Lewis backing vocals
Phillip Ingram backing vocals
Sue Ann Carwell backing vocals
Terry Bradford backing vocals
Will Wheaton backing vocals
Felipe Elgueta engineer
Mark Agostino engineer, assistant
Peter Doell engineer, assistant
Chris Brooke mixed by, assistant, engineer, assistant, mixed by, assisted, recorded by, assisted
Paul Boutin mixed by, assistant
Eric Troyer backing vocals
Glen Rundgren backing vocals
Kasim Sulton backing vocals
Rory Dodd backing vocals
Todd Rundgren backing vocals
Roy Bittan co-producer
Steve Rinkoff co-producer, recorded by
Greg Pinto engineer, assistant
Tony Phillips mixed by
Bob Cadway engineer, mixed by
Dan Hetzel engineer, assistent
Rick Bieder engineer, assistent
Thomas R. Yezzi engineer, assistent
Ric Wake producer
Claytoven Richardson backing vocals
Conesha Owens backing vocals
Jeanie Tracy backing vocals
Leslie Ellis backing vocals
Skyler Jett backing vocals
David Gleeson recorded by
Dan Shea technician, sound design
Anthony Ransom backing vocals
Ayana George backing vocals
Cathy Richardson backing vocals
Cheryl Wilson backing vocals
Dennis Collins backing vocals
Diva Gray backing vocals
Elizabeth Withers backing vocals
Fonzi Thornton backing vocals
Jeff Morrow backing vocals
Joan Walton backing vocals
Johnny Rutledge backing vocals
Latasha Jordan backing vocals
Lisa Lougheed backing vocals
Loris Holland backing vocals
Nancey Jackson backing vocals
Paulette McWilliams backing vocals
Rob Trow backing vocals
Robert Bowker backing vocals
Robert Moe backing vocals
Robin Robinson backing vocals
Spencer Washington backing vocals
Stevie Robinson backing vocals
Tawatha backing vocals
Troy Bright backing vocals
Yvonne Gage backing vocals
Jimmy Bralower drum programming
Steve Skinner drum programming
R. Kelly producer
Andreas Carlsson backing vocals
Leah Haywood backing vocals
Nana Hedin backing vocals
Robert John Lange backing vocals, producer
Shania Twain backing vocals
Jack Hersca engineer, assistant
Michel Gallone engineer, assistant
Ron Last recorded by, assisted
Simon Franglen engineer, producer
Simon Rhodes engineer
James Horner producer
Dave Ashton recorded by, assisted, engineer
Matt Serletic producer
David Thoener recorded by
Album Tracks   
No Title Artist Composer Duration
1The Power Of LoveCéline DionCandy De Rouge, Gunther Mende, Jennifer Rush4:47
2If You Asked Me ToCéline DionDiane Warren3:55
3Beauty And The BeastCéline DionHoward Ashman4:04
4Because You Loved MeCéline DionDiane Warren4:35
5It's All Coming Back To Me NowCéline DionJim Steinman5:32
6Love Can Move MountainsCéline DionDiane Warren4:01
7To Love You MoreCéline DionDavid Foster, Junior Miles4:39
8My Heart Will Go OnCéline DionJames Horner, Will Jennings4:40
9I'm Your AngelCéline DionR. Kelly5:30
10That's The Way It IsCéline Dion4:00
11If Walls Could TalkCéline DionRobert John Lange5:19
12The First Time Ever I Saw Your FaceCéline DionEwan MacColl4:09
13 All The WayCéline DionJimmy Van Heusen, Sammy Cahn3:53
14Then You Look At MeCéline DionJames Horner, Will Jennings4:11
15I Want You To Need MeCéline DionDiane Warren4:36
16 Live For The One I LoveCéline DionLuc Plamondon, Riccardo Cocciante, Will Jennings3:58

30sec audio samples provided by

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